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Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Trailer Breakdown, The Kree, Vrellnexians, Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Quake, Jemma Simmons, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Agents of SWORD, Agents of SPEAR, The Lighthouse, The Framework

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This video contains information on:
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 1 “Orientation Part 1” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 2 “Orientation Part 2” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×01 “Orientation Part 1” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×02 “Orientation Part 1” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×02 Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×01 Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 3 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 4 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 5 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×03 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×04 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×05 Promo!!!
Earth Quaked?
What Happened to Earth?
Inifinity War Effects and the Reality Stone.



  1. Hey Guys, Here is my Agents of SHIELD Theory Video Let me know what you think of all of it.
    Do you think Infinity War has something to do with all of this?
    Do you think reality was changed by *Thanos*?
    Do you think the Kree were actually behind it all and it had nothing to do with Inifinity War?
    And don't forgot to drop a *like if you liked the video and subscribe for more*. And until I see you next have a good one.

  2. The Kree would always feel superior. I think they are taking advantage of what happened in the Infinity war and also explaining why Daisy isn't in the film. She is a powerful enough that they will need to explain it somehow. I was originally thinking it was the Kree that sent them forwar, the monolith looks like their technology but the guy in the shower didn't look Kree. I'm super happy with the first two episodes but I don't know if it is enough to save the show from the Friday night time slot.

  3. maybe quake destroyed the world to save it…
    maybe daisy split the world in half to kill Thanos, to end the war
    think about it… how did the humans build the lighthouse after earth was destroyed, that doesnt make sense, maybe daisy said that she will destroy the world with Thanos and got tony to build the lighthouse to house all the humans before she did what she had to do to save humanity

  4. when I first saw the 2 parters I thought that the green device that took the team to the Lighthouse was a shard of The Time Stone, taken by the Kree into the past (before Infinity War happened and it presumably got smashed) so they can round up humans.

  5. Agreed on the AoS future scenario being a result of Infinity War and Thanos using the reality stone. The problem with that less than iconic picture of a destroyed Earth is that it's scientifically illiterate. Seismic disturbances can't make a planet explode, and even if they could, Daisy is not THAT powerful. The only thing that could literally shatter the planet would be a collision with another planet of comparable size, like Venus. Furthermore, in the Thea theory of the Moon's formation – a glancing blow to Earth from a Mars-sized planet – the resulting debris formed into a planetary ring, not a random cloud of asteroidal fragments, and began coalescing into what became the Moon within a much shorter time frame than the ninety years depicted here. For that matter, where IS the Moon here? Finally, how would there still be ocean and clouds on the remaining chunk of Earth that sort of remained intact? Why would ANY of the planet have remained intact? Other than as a narrative reference for the characters and viewers, of course, but that doesn't make the abominable science any less laughable. That pic looks like something out of a Bugs Bunny-Marvin The Martian cartoon.

  6. I really just want a crossover at this point. It doesn't even have to be the Defenders at least let Ghost Rider and Quake crossover into Infinity War or at least Avengers 4.They both have the fire power needed to take Thanos on.

  7. AS much as I'd like an IW crossover, I don't really know if they can fit it…however, I do expect the show to utilize the infinity war plot somehow, like they did with Winter soldier and Age of Ultron…so I do not rule out Thanos involvement at all, but it might mean another Age of Ultron scenario, where the agents discover something, leak it to the Avengers who handle it, with both stories working separately.

  8. When I saw that earth debris, my mind instantly jumped to Thanos wins #13, the recent Thanos comic in which Ghost Rider travels to the past using the Time Infinity stone and kidnaps Thanos to the Future to show him a destroyed earth just like the one they showed in AoS and we will also see how Thanos wins next issue, the fact that Ghost Rider is involved in a Thanos storyline makes me question his involvement in Avengers 4, since you know Gabriel Luna posted on his IG that he is shooting a film and he was seen with Frank Grillo. Honestly, this is really too similar to be a coincidence.


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