The producers behind HBO’s epic drama ‘Game of Thrones’ take their security rather seriously. They do not want any leaks and just to relay their sincerity of security they go to unfathomable extents including setting layers upon layers of encryption or even installing security drones. However, Aidan Gillen, the actor behind Lord Petyr shares his experiences of keeping leaks secure back when he was on the show in an interview.

According to the star, he likes to shred all evidence which might result in a leak as soon as the item in question has fulfilled its purpose. he would meticulously shred all the scripts until the time they were no longer legible. In certain instances, he also went as far as burning them all together to avoid any leaks. he further revealed that he picked these habits up from back when he starred in the crime drama ‘The Wire’. The habit has remained with him ever since and he always shreds and burns his scripts and doesn’t tell a soul about the plot, including his own family.

“I’ve always been quite diligent about shredding scripts as soon as they’re done,” elaborated Gillen. “Going way back to when I worked on The Wire. They had a shredding machine in the office, it was the first time I was ever conscious of that, it was before social media so it wasn’t such a big deal. But they were ahead of their time. They were saying, ‘when you’re finished with these scripts, come into the office and shred them because we don’t want people knowing what’s going to happen.’ So it’s always been part of my system. Once you’re finished, destroy it. I don’t tell members of my family what’s happening in scripts or if I’m going to be part of some major plot point, I keep it from everyone.”

Following the trend prior to the release of Season 8, Aidan was also asked about what he knows about the end of Season 8 despite him clearly describing his work ethics. He said that he does not know about the end, nor does he intend to ask any of his co-actors about the same. However, he does look forward to it.

“I don’t know how it’s going to finish but I am as excited as the rest of us,” revealed Aidan. “I honestly have no idea and friends who I would be in contact with who are still involved, I wouldn’t ask them and they wouldn’t tell me anyway. And I’d rather not know, but I’m looking forward to it.”

He also revealed that Game of Thrones and his character in the series have both been quite influential for him as fans still call him by his character’s name whenever they see him on the streets. While it might big him a little, he says that it still is a major boost for his acting career as a whole as he has found a widespread recognition for his talents as a direct result of his acting ability in the character of Lord Petyr.

“That’s not gone away and it won’t. People still greet you on the street by your character name,” shared Aidan. “I’m not looking to either forget it or remember it for the rest of my life. If it’s something as widely seen as that, it’ll stay in the ether for a while and eventually something else will come along and eventually no-one will know who you are, or care. It’s going to be great.”

While fans won’t be getting to see Lord Petyr in Game of Thrones any more, they will be sure to see the final survivors engage in an epic battle for the throne in the final season of the epic drama set to be released this April 14.



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