Some stars have such an enigmatic aura, you’re left mesmerised by them even if it’s just an interview. They know how to make any job fun. Their presence simply lights up the mood and you feel like the movie, show or interview just keeps going on. Pedro Pascal is an example of such an actor, who was recently also named the sexiest man alive by People’s Magazine. Pedro has made a name for himself in the acting industry, being the charming personality he is. (Yet, he was charmed by someone else!) Be it The Mandalorian, Wonder Woman 84 or The Game of Thrones, it’s like everything he touches turns to gold. So, you can be pretty sure as well what you’re about to witness is pure gold. Watch Pedro Pascal Stir something Crazy on a Comedy Central interview right below!

What’s special about Pascal is his ability to make his work look fun. He seems to be enjoying himself in the interview, revealing a little bit about himself now and then. He even made his character’s death on Game of Thrones sound hilarious!

Pedro was asked if he felt weird about his eyes to this day. (Because of someone huge thrusting their thumbs into them, you know.) To which the actor replies, “Strangers were coming up to me on street and asking if they could stick their thumbs into my eyes for a selfie or a picture. And I’d let them! I was just like, “Yeah, sure!” Then I started to be like, “I’m gonna get something bad, you know?” Like, you know, I’m going to get an infection.”

There are more fun questions in the video above. Check it out and let us know what you think of the interview in the comments below!



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