The Game of Thrones finale aired in May, which is only five months ago, but those five months have been packed with scalding hot takes from people who loved, hated, or had mixed feelings about the series’ end. Alfie Allen played Theon Greyjoy through all eight seasons, and finally got an Emmy nomination — thanks to his own submission — for the final season. (I think he deserved a win for Season 2.) But now Alfie Allen is trying to move on, promoting new projects like his role in the Taika Waititi film Jojo Rabbit.

So when Alfie Allen was on the red carpet of a recent Jojo Rabbit premiere, and ET asked him to look back and reflect on the Game of Thrones ending and say where he stands now, he had only three words to say:

Succinct! My first thought was to agree, but I really agree with this commenter below ET reporter Lauren Zima’s tweet:

Exactly. I say I’m over it, but if you get me started, I will go off again.

Listen, Game of Thrones fans waited two years for the final season. Season 7 — which also disappointed a lot of fans — aired in 2017. We waited until 2019 for Season 8 which only had six episodes. The result was divisive, to say the least, with fans maybe only agreeing on the head-shake hilarity of that coffee cup in the Winterfell scene.

Alfie Allen has spoken out in defense of the Game of Thrones finale, as he did here as part of a longer interview with Deadline:

Alfie Allen may be over the Game of Thrones finale, but he’s still expected to talk about the show when promoting projects. That just happened on Ellen’s show, when she asked about how he met the Game of Thrones cast:

Ellen DeGeneres joked that maybe that’s when they decided to cut Theon’s “todger” off, as Alfie Allen had called Theon’s … you know. Watch the clip to hear Allen talk about submitting himself for an Emmy nomination for Game of Thrones‘ final season:

Alfie Allen can next be seen in the movie Jojo Rabbit, which opens in select theaters today. He’s also listed (with former Game of Thrones sister Gemma Whelan) for the upcoming crime drama series White House Farm. Keep up with everything still airing on TV this year with our handy 2019 fall TV premiere schedule.



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