Here are all the best Trailers from Comic Con 2017

0:03 Ready Player One
2:27 Pacific Rim 2
3:34 Thor: Ragnarok
6:00 Bright
9:00 Justice League
13:00 The Defenders
14:00 Kingsman: The Golden Circle
15:49 Stranger Things Season 2
18:42 Death Note



  1. Never thought I would ever say this…but movies need to learn from the TV shows…ala GoT… I'd pay a month's salary to watch Game of Thrones any day… ok, maybe not ALL my salary.. you get the point.

    But hell no… I will not pay a dime to watch the shit they are spinning out from Hollywood.

  2. Why all netflix project look like easy crap stuff. All i have seen so far is a lot of cheap film with bad actoring and no story at all except ones already made; they take over all and soon a lot of peaople are gonna forget the real people who made the stories. Im sad and kinda worry, soon we'll have 10 years old kid incarnating superman and batman. Come on grow some balls and listen to people with real talent for writing good stories.

  3. 1:22 listen to the music… isn’t that a motif from the song in the original Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory? I wanna say the song is called “World of your imagination” which is fitting for the movie. But the whole motif lasts for a few seconds. Music is so cool…


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