Here are the Trailers from all Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

00:03 Iron Man
02:24 Captain America
04:49 The Incredible Hulk
06:47 Iron Man 2
09:10 Thor
11:33 The Avengers
13:29 Iron Man 3
15:54 Thor 2
18:18 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
20:41 Avengers: Age Of Ultron
22:11 Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1
24:34 Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2
26:55 Doctor Strange
29:17 Ant-Man
31:40 Civil War
34:04 Spider-Man Homecoming
36:23 Thor Ragnarok
38:15 Black Panther



  1. Question is, what new characters you think we gonna get in the future? I want namor (mamoa with a ragnorok haircut would've looked perfect), nova prime, Adam warlock, which is coming.

  2. You MAY want to add the new Infinity War trailer in there, because THAT TRAILER IS 'DA…………………………… know what? I'll just leave it like that for a while, OK?

  3. You really have to appreciate everything that Marvel has become. You can watch this from the beginning and watch until the end and see how much better Marvel has become. It really is mind blowing what has happened in 10 years

  4. I've literally been watching the MCU since I was 4 years old and I just realized it. Marvel had to have planned this out from the start and they've come a long way man, I'm so proud. And the funny thing is that this is just the beginning


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