Pls remind me of any that I missed. I just wanted to explore the tower of joy revelation from the point of view of a show watcher.



  1. After a while, I just hated Catelyn Stark.   For as long as she was alive, she treated Jon like shit.  If she was more trustworthy, maybe Ned would have told her the truth.  Her taking Tyrion prisoner was a big reason why Ned was executed, since Ned had to tell them that Tyrion was taken under his orders to protect his idiotic wife.   When she was executed at the Red Wedding, I was actually glad she was gone from the show.   The character that is.  Michelle Fairley is a wonderful actress and she played the part too well.

  2. I think Elia Martell really got screwed over in the series. She is married to a prince with who she had two kids. Then she was raped and killed by the mountain. Poor lady

  3. face it, Rhaegar and Lyanna were horrible people.

    Lyanna caused the death of her father and brother, heard about it and chose to keep on fucking Rhaegar. she also claimed she didn't like Robert because he wouldn't be loyal to her but then went on to fuck a married man. when Ned finally found her in Dorne, she didnt even fucking apologize or even mentioned her father and brother. selfish, ungrateful and fucking hypocrite.

    there are only two characters i hate more than Lyanna. Craster and Rhaegar.
    Rhaegar humiliated his wife, ran off with a teenage girl and hid when his action caused war. When he finally decided to put on his fancy armor, he was killed by a single swing of a warhammer. self-righteous, stupid and fucking weak.

    what bothers me is how people romanticize this couple. it pains me that there are so little hatred for them. LMAO even when characters that i like such as Barristan Selmy talk highly of Rhaegar, it annoys me. fuck Rhaegar and Lyanna, seriously!

  4. Its crazy how all this time Ned was protecting Jon's identity by tainting his own reputation and relationship with Catelyn. Dammit Ned why did u have to die so early

  5. The scene with Stannis shows how much smarter he was than his brother Robert.

    Robert and Ned were best friends, they were basically brothers… And Robert simply accepted that Ned forgot his honor and fathered a bastard.

    Stannis knew that wasn't Ned's way. He knew there had to be more to the story. Ned and Stannis weren't best of buddies, but they were both men that prided themselves on their honor. As someone here said earlier, Robert and Ned may have been best friends, while Ned and Stannis weren't close at all, but Stannis seems to know Ned better than Robert did.

  6. Holy shit, I wonder if they prompted Ned to sound almost defensive of the Targaryen children all the way back to season 1…because all he can think about is that he raised a child that was really a secret Targaryen… and his vow to his sister..


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