Alt Shift X consistently makes some of the best YouTube videos about Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire around. If you haven’t heard of him, I highly recommend you spend an afternoon or three routing around his videos. You’ll fall down a YouTube hole before you can blink.

Anyway, his latest is a fascinating video that draws information from The World of Ice and Fire companion book and artwork from the Unseen Westeros project, which has a free exhibit opening in Berlin in January. The video is all about the far-away places in George R.R. Martin’s imagined world that we don’t see on Game of Thrones, or indeed read about in A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s cannibals, dark gods and toad people all the way down. So settle in and let Alt Shift X take you on a tour of the strangest places in Game of Thrones:

So what have we learned from this video?

  • George R.R. Martin really likes H.P. Lovecraft. He may even love Lovecraft.
  • The story of the Bloodstone Emperor is fascinating and could probably fill up a whole series by itself. No wonder HBO was developing five potential Game of Thrones prequels at one time. I’m surprised there weren’t more.
  • The Jogos Nhai ride zorses! I feel cheated that we never got any zorses on Game of Thrones.

I realize that Martin only sketched out most of the mythology of these distant places not intending to fill them in, but just the fact that it’s there makes the world of Westeros feel so much richer than it would otherwise. It was a savvy move on his part. And who knows? With HBO settling in for the long haul, we could explore some of these strange places in more detail in time, assuming none of them come up in Game of Thrones season 8. Are they’re any you’re keen to learn more about?

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