See it all in one section, or check references at or to see the individual sections click time signatures below:
Intro ( 0:00 )

Puma Punku ( 3:38 ) or

The Pyramids ( 22:41 ) Or

Baalbek, ( 37:40 ) Or

Incan sites ( 55:33 ) Or

Easter Island ( 1:01:33 ) Or

Pacal’s rocket ( 1:05:36 ) Or

The Nazca Lines ( 1:13:10 ) Or

Tolima “fighter jets ( 1:21:16 )

Egyptian “light bulb” ( 1:27:01 )

Ufo’s in ancient art ( 1:36:08 )

The crystal skulls ( 1:46:38 )

Ezekiel’s Wheel ( 1:58:17 )

Ancient nuclear warfare ( 2:11:16 )

Vimana’s ( 2:20:50 )

Anunnaki ( 2:32:52 )

Nephilim ( 2:54:37 )

Conclusion ( 3:07:10

Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others.

The film covers topics like:
Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek, Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal’s rocket, the Nazca lines, the Tolima “fighter jets”, the Egyptian “light bulb”, Ufo’s in ancient art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel’s wheel, Ancient nuclear warfare, Vimana’s, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim.

All the claims are sourced at the website:

It was produced by Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Hesier.

It is distributed for free on the internet and is a completely non-profit project. Viewers are encouraged to share, and burn copies to DVD, as long as they do not profit from its distribution.

Feel free to upload this to your Youtube channels and similar sites without any permission, but beware of potential copyright claims from the History Channel (A & E) I believe that all the material used from them in this film is legal under “Fair Use,” as it is non-profit, and for the purpose of critique. But they still may try to take the video down from the various site you have uploaded it to, and it could be one of the three strikes against your account (Youtube). You have my permission to challenge them if they do this through a counter claim (they ask if you own the video, so you have my permission to say that you do), I believe that they will back down and reinstate the video if you challenge their claims.

You can download the video by using sites like
After you download a copy you can also burn it to DVD by using a very simple and free program like Freemake Video Converter

Former title for this video: Ancient Aliens Debunked – (full movie) (fixed audio)



  1. Stopped watching at 8 minutes in. This documentary is disinformation bullshit. Arguing the mainstream narrative with another bullshit narrative to make it seem objective.
    Search youtube for Kailese temple. This temple was carved out from a granite mountain! Well not really a mountain, but it's easier to explain this way. This temple puts the pyramids to shame, and once you see it, you'll believe in advanced ancient civilizations. It's one piece, carved from the top to bottom.
    Ask yourself, do you really think it was made from pounding carving stones and copper chisels? lmao

  2. Something about it: it's a logic But you are Christian And increasing popularity of Jesus All your lies You are a young man shit Learn how to name a person Show me all your lies in this video asshole 😏

  3. I wrote a Term Paper for Environmental Archaeology on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in college. You got most of the details right, congrats. Those crater lake samples show that the island was 90% wooded when people first arrived around 1200 CE. And all the trees were gone in 400 years. But, they were actually still building Moai well after that date. In fact, they did not stop building Moai until the first Europeans arrived, spreading disease among the locals which brought about a total collapse of their society through death and shear panic, including the abandoning of their Moai worship, as many of the monuments were toppled during this time.

    Experimental archaeology has shown that no wood is actually required to move them. Based on wear marks on certain parts of the statues, we can see where ropes were attached (don't need wood to make rope). It has been show that they most likely "Walked" the Moai from the quarries to their pedestals using an ingenious system of balancing the Moai on the front and pivoting ropes back and forth to walk them forward. Further proof of this can been seen in broken Moai in the center of the island which likely fell during walking and were abandoned in place on the side of the road. The procession was likely a religious event. Must have been a sight to see.

    Finally as to erosion, yes they used all their wood but they adapted. They scattered stones all over the island from the volcanoes which broke the wind up (the erosion on the island is due to aeolian [wind] processes not so much water). Wind was whipping away the top soil in the center of the island, which is where the indigenous people farmed. They also used feces and small vines and shrubs for fire.

    Another interesting fact is that the first local to approach the first European ship canoed to the ship on a leaky canoe made of driftwood. Wood was a precious resource and the people went from deep sea fishing to farming over the course of their occupation. So it's more likely that the wood was used for firewood and ships, not moving Moai alone.

    Finally, there are no actually indigenous people remaining. There is a false narrative that they ignored their environment and destroyed themselves. But the fact is, though they dramatically changed their environment, they adapted and thrived. There was no significant population decline that coincided with the loss of trees. Even though they never left their island, or even knew any other part of the world existed, or that a tree was a even a thing, they still lived and died and called that place home. They were actually destroyed by inadvertent spread of disease by Europeans and then slavers took the rest. There is no living descendants of those people. Their language and even the name of the island has been lost to time. Though there are people living on the island now who claim to be indigenous, they came from the continent and have no genetic links to the real people of Rapa Nui.

  4. Their must have been some purpose to these structures..for man to have built them they do look modern like Lego bricks..I would like to have seen the finished article it's so sad that people looted the site..😡

  5. There are a lot of things we don't understand…the real secret is not looking stupid in the process of explaining them…never say that you have the answer until you REALLY have the answer….the Ancient Aliens morons make the mistake of not allowing for alternative explainations.

  6. i used to and still hate how this idiocy of ancient aliens and the nostradamous pile of rotting manure got so popular, i hope the producers of history channel choke to death on a donkey dick.

  7. in the words of a previous visitor to such "There is no doubt that the Ancient Alien’s TV show makes some very big leaps in logic from sketchy evidence. They repeatedly use the technique of asking if something is possible, and then answer that ancient astronaut theorist say yes. By repeating this over and over it becomes similar to a hypnotic induction.
    Perhaps Roddenberry, Asimov, etc might have a different view

  8. spent a lot of effort debunking this for WHY? What's you actual purpose? unlike religion, no ones going around killing others for different views or even cramming it down anyone's throat.


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