Elden Ring users are in for a treat blended from the Souls series of games and the writings of George R. R. Martin. Undoubtedly, they are wondering if there are references to any of the works of Martin and Game of Thrones.

As of this time, there is one reference discovered in the game and perhaps many more that will come to light as time progresses.

Reference to Game of Thrones in Elden Ring can be obtained by finding a greatsword

Gamers can locate a greatsword that references Game of Thrones (Image via FromSoftware)
Gamers can locate a greatsword that references Game of Thrones (Image via FromSoftware)

Although there may be more references available in the future for gamers to discover, one of the earliest references that they can obtain takes the form of a greatsword. Players can get this greatsword by heading to Castle Morn, south of the Bridge of Sacrifice.

Once inside, users should begin exploring the castle for the wealth of treasures hidden within.

Players must then face a mighty foe

As players step through the yellow mist they will start a fight with a very powerful boss (Image via Elden Ring)
As players step through the yellow mist they will start a fight with a very powerful boss (Image via Elden Ring)

As players make their way through the castle and claim the riches available to them, they will undoubtedly come across a portal of yellow mist. Stepping through one takes them to a boss fight.

It is no different here, and users who brave the mist will come face-to-face with Leonine Misbegotten, an extremely fast and powerful boss.

Defeating Leonine Misbegotten

Claiming the greatsword is a difficult task, but the reward will be well worth it (Image via Elden Ring)
Claiming the greatsword is a difficult task, but the reward will be well worth it (Image via Elden Ring)

Gamers have to face this dangerous foe if they want to claim the greatsword. However, Leonine Misbegotten is very fast and leaves them with almost no time to attack. Users should be sure to dodge attacks and try to save some stamina to rain blows down whenever there is an opening.

Playing cautiously yet pushing to attack when needed will win this fight.

Claiming their prize

Players can take their newly acquired blade for a spin and feel the power that resonates within it (Image via Elden Ring) The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player
Players can take their newly acquired blade for a spin and feel the power that resonates within it (Image via Elden Ring) The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player

Once users defeat Leonine Misbegotten, they will be able to loot the aforementioned greatsword, called “Grafted Blade Greatsword.” It appears to be made out of the numerous discarded weapons of the warriors who fell before the blade.

This is a reference to the Iron Throne in GoT, created of the weapons of those slain.

Try out the new weapon

The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player's collection (Image via FromSoftware)
The Grafted Blade Greatsword will be a great addition to any player’s collection (Image via FromSoftware)

Users can then try out the Grafted Blade Greatsword, and it is actually a quite hefty piece of weaponry. Though not the best sword in the game by any means, it has the capability of doing a lot of damage and being an upgrade for those in need of a more capable blade.

Players can then take pride in slaying foes with the blade that is a direct reference to The Game of Thrones.

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