Arrow And Gotham Crossover Explained Plus Black Adam Villain Of Suicide Squad 2!

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  1. I got an idea… a very very… big n crazy idea.
    I would love to see fox n the cw make even if just once… a crossover.
    And I think I found a way that can happen.. it would be like the perfect scenario

  2. Just because Oliver mentions Bruce doesnt mean there will be a crossover.. especially when Bruce and Oliver are similar ages, and the GOTHAM Bruce is younger… it's an earlier period of time. It WOULD be cool if they aged everyone in GOTHAM to be like 5-8 years later with an older Bruce Wayne to continue the story. GOTHAM is one show that could go on for a WHILE and bring in Batman too.

  3. It would also explain the future newspaper, Barry saw that mentions a Queen Industries
    WayneTech merger yet no mentions of Batman activity have been reported in the media
    even though the CW shows based on Earth-1 regularly have news reports of events
    happening on sister shows even though Star City and Central City are hundreds of miles

    Maybe in this world, there is no Batman and there are no freakish villains rising up in reaction
    to him. Gotham of Earth-1 could be a town dealing with corruption and organized crime
    as was the main theme during the first season of Gotham.

  4. Its clear there is a Batman on Earth -38 (Home of Supergirl) and whatever Earth the Titans are on.

    It would be fun to think that on Earth-1 there never was a Batman even though Bruce Wayne exists.

    Imagine this. Bruce Wayne never lost his parents to violence on Earth-1. He grew up and took
    over Wayne Enterprises when his parents died of natural causes. Oliver had crossed paths with
    Wayne before and sees him as an entitled rich guy who never was humbled by life as Oliver
    was on the island. His Wayne really is a party boy and it's Oliver's lack respect for Wayne
    that's the reason he would bring up his name to discredit the notion of a rich guy being
    a superhero. Have Oliver make the trip to Earth Gotham and see a proto-Batman who
    is played by a Wayne as damaged and determined as Oliver was.

    Then have Oliver travel to Earth-38 and hear of a full grown Batman in Gotham.

    Just as we found out the Oliver of Earth-2 died at sea and his father Robert was The Hood of that
    Earth. Just as we found out the Barry Allen of that Earth is a regular lab rat who never tapped
    the Speed Force. The Bruce Wayne of Earth-1 is just a rich guy running a mega-corporation
    and nothing more. That would put to rest why the Earth-1 Green Arrow has taken on so
    much of the Bat Rogues gallery including the League of Assassins yet none of them drop
    Bruce Wayne's name.

    Its because that Bruce never became the Batman and the Green Arrow of that world, filled
    the vacuum.

  5. You cross them over by having Oliver Queen (and maybe Barry and or Vibe) crossover to Gotham which would
    be established as being on its own Earth in the Multiverse. It would just so happen that the Earth of Gotham
    (Say Earth-14 for 2014 the year the show started) is about 20 years behind the other CW Earths tech wise.

    Gotham never mentions what year it takes place in so it doesn't really have to be regarded as a Flashback series.
    Maybe on Gotham's Earth, it is 2017 and it's Bruce Wayne is simply destined to become Batman like most
    Bruce Waynes of the Multiverse.

    The CW shows have already depicted alternate Earths like Earth-2 (Home of Harrison Wells) that has an Art Deco design style.
    Earth-3 (Home of Jay Garrick) Also has a somewhat Art Deco look. HR came from a Steampunk Earth (I think Earth-19)

    Why can't Gotham's Earth just be one with a Gothic look and 20 years retro,tech wise.

  6. I just think Gotham can't be on Ollie's Earth. Maybe Kara's Earth, but not Ollie's Earth. There were just so many character's that Arrow has already had (most of them dead) that Gotham has right now alive. Different Ra's Al Ghul's. And Anthony Carrigan was on The Flash and is Victor Zsaz on Gotham right now.

  7. I agree with you that a crossover would be good tv and hope to see that. I disagree with you on why Arrow is suffering on the ratings. I believe moving the show to Thursday night's was a mistake. I believe the writing so far has been as good as last season but I have to say I'm struggling with Diggle in the Arrow suit. Only because everytime he's in charater he looks a bit like a Ninja turtle. Thursday Night Football, Shondaland shows, there's too much competition. For me, the move just breaks the flow of this loosely shared universe.


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