Arrowverse Crisis On Earth X Plot Leaked! Major Death And Major Reverse Flash Reveal
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I want Oliver to develop a relationship with Dinah, but if Olicity is done well this time, then I can live with them deciding to not follow the comics
Leaked plot for something that's barely one week away? Jeez, people need to learn to keep themselves from these types of things.
Sounds lame enough to be true
We all or most of us has seen the leak photos and most of it is true, the oliver and Felicity and Barry and Iris wedding by Diggle is definitely true there are pictures but there are alot we have not seen I'm sure
To be honest, you sound like a hater. "Proposing at someone's wedding, that does not surprise me." After you said that it was just a possibility that it is true. You are sure as hell quick to form a conclusion. Leave Felicity alone. So what if she wants to marry the man of her dreams? I don't think anything can beat Iris crashing a funeral to get married. The important thing is that they all get to marry the people they love and they all have a happy ending. No need to hate.
There has to be some good stakes many have die that's how wars are… Go Crisis on Earth X. Go
Cross is going to be good
I feel Cold and definitely Stein that are going to die.