Game of Thrones fans are very creative. That’s a well-established fact. In one more example in a long line of them, graphic designer Mark Avery Kenny has redesigned every single Major League Baseball team’s logo to incorporate a swath of different Game of Thrones characters. Check ’em out below:

The Toronto Night Kings? As one of the most Northern teams in Major League Baseball, this mashup makes perfect sense.

Nailed this one; the New York Yankees always have the most money to spend, and so does Tywin Lannister. Also, everyone hates the Yankees.

The Red Sox always have plenty of money as well, just like their new mascot. And of course, the Red Sox and the Yankees hate each other.

Normally, the Philadelphia Phillies logo is the Liberty Bell, with its famous crack. Redesigning it to make it look like Cersei is cracking up is everything.

The Kansas City Royals have the worst Royal of them all representing them.

The ‘A’ in Oakland As used to stand for Athletics. Not anymore.

From Angels to Eddards; it’s a bit of a low blow but it works.

A flying dragon replaces a soaring baseball in this resign of the Los Angeles Dodgers logo.

This Littlefinger/Cleveland mashup looks the most like the team’s actual logo. Although we doubt Cleveland fans would enjoy being called “Littlefingers.”

When you’re looking for a mascot for the Cincinnati Reds, look no further than the Red Woman.

Jon Snow as the mascot for the Chicago White Sox? Might we suggest renaming them to the Black Sox? It was always Jon’s color.

Euron Greyjoy as the new logo for the Pittsburgh Pirates is perfect.

When finding a mascot for the Seattle Mariners, you’ve gotta go with an Ironborn.

Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper of Dorne, representing for the Arizona Diamondbacks.

The Colorado Rockies turn into the Colorado Mountains so easily.

The Milkaukee Brewers to the Milwaukee Bronns, another natural transition.

Choosing Hodor as the new mascot for the New York Mets isn’t especially appropriate, but the logo redesign is memorably horrifying.

For the Atlanta Braves, Kenny went for one of the bravest characters on the show.

And of course, Wun Wun is the mascot for the San Francisco Giants. You don’t even need to change the name.

Okay, not sure about this one. For the Chicago Cubs, wouldn’t Lyanna Mormont have been a perfect choice?

The Baltimore Three-Eyed Ravens!

Maybe somebody should hire Kenny to help promote MLB and Game of Thrones’ nights around the league; just a suggestion. You can head to his Instagram to see even more logos.

Next: HBO programming president Casey Bloys: “We’re not trying to do Game of Thrones Part II”

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h/t The Kansas City Star



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