It’s Monday morning, which means it’s time for another episode of A Song of Dan and Josh, the show where FanSided editor Josh Hill and I walk through every chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire, picking it apart to see what makes it tick. Today, we go through a pair of crucial chapters from A Game of Thrones: Arya IV and Sansa IV, which show us the aftermath of Ned Stark’s arrest. Let’s dive in:

Our topics include:

  • In Arya’s chapter, how does Martin foreshadow her later journey? A lot of prominent Arya themes rear their head here, namely death and murder.
  • Arya toes the line between “spunky kid” and “creepy serial killer.” How well do she and Martin walk it?
  • We big a fond goodbye to Syrio Forel, and theorize why fans have such a hard time believing he’s dead for good.
  • Immediately before and after Ned’s death, Sansa makes some choices that fans still grill her about. How culpable is she for tipping off Cersei about Ned’s plan to ship herself and Arya out of King’s Landing?
  • Cersei, Varys, Littlefinger and Pycelle team up to manipulate Sansa into writing a letter absolving the Lannisters of responsibility for Ned’s arrest. How do they put one over on her?
  • I ask Josh, who hasn’t read the books before, to remember Jeyne Westerling. Mark that down.

What did you guys think of these chapters?

Next week, we return to the Wall for more adventures with everyone’s favorite moody bastard. We hope to see you at 4:00 p.m. CST on our Facebook page!

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