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  1. Too Bad Old Gods and New Gods didn't cursed Cersei Lannister Jamie Lannister for Almost Killing Bran which Violation Guest Right Law, Karma by Forced Cersei Jame to eaten their Children Myrcella Jeff Tommen

  2. you were right about arya stark feeding the freys but wrong about manderley, manderley is introduced in s06e10 as one of the clans who did not take up arms alongside the starks and decided to be neutral. They repent and decide to pledge allegiance to the starks.

    possible reasons for this is the tv shows need to compact the screen time and the manderley story is not essential for the plot and could be omitted.

  3. Arya's Uncle Edmure is imprisoned in Walder Frey's dungeon in his castle. Next season we will find out that Arya takes Walder Frey's face and releases her uncle allowing him to escape back to Riverrun with his wife and child. Remember nobody knows Walder and his two sons are dead yet except for Arya!! Arya will have to work very quickly to pull this stunt off.

  4. What possible theory could there even be here…
    It happened. Is that debatable now? Because game of thrones fans think they know everything about everything and nothing is what it seems?


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