Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4: The Spoils of War
Arya meets with Brienne and shows off the skills she learned from No One. Littlefinger looks on.



  1. I wonder what was going through Sansa's head when she was seeing Arya fight. It seems like such a little thing but fighting and the martial arts is a skill I don't think is really appreciated by some until they see it in action.

  2. I realize people are probably going to jump on me for this, so let me lay my credentials right here:
    Five years learning both Olympic and historical sword styles, and 15 studying further in an academic capacity. Needle is basically a smallsword, so when she slaps Brienne on the shins, etc, it would do literally nothing, a smallsword doesn't have an edge (generally. Some are edged the last few inches before the point), and only serves to make the point that she can get past Brienne's guard.
    Second, and more important, is that you cannot block (directly oppose to stop) a longsword with a smallsword. Arya does so several times, instead of parrying (redirecting away from her). In fact, a special kind of smallsword, the Colichmarde, developed in the mid-18th century, with an extra-wide forte, for officers who wanted the style of a smallsword, but had to deal with enemy troops carrying heavier-bladed sabers or hangers. Attempting to directly oppose a longsword with a smallsword is a good way to break your blade.

  3. I've watched this scene a million times and it just dawned on me at 2:47, Brienne almost had her when she grabbed her main day her main dagger hand. But Area chose to do the fancy ninja knife flip to her other hand. A grand fight scene indeed.


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