In this video I discuss the possibility of one of the most beloved characters from Game of Thrones and ASOIAF being killed. That character is Arya Stark. This is not a Game of Thrones Season 7 Prediction, but it is potentially a Game of Thrones Season 8 Prediction depending on whether or not the foreshadowing from the books comes into play. I hope I am wrong about this and I’m just misinterpreting the text, but have a listen and give me your opinion on this. Thank you!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

GRRM’s Original Draft for ASOIAF.

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  1. Of course, there's nothing that says that the HBO version will have the same survivors at the end as the books do. It's also important to note that Sansa was not one of the 5 surviving characters that George RR Martin originally intended. Lots has changed from that original outline, so it's possible that he'll kill off Arya instead of Sansa. But I don't know… Arya may hook up with Gendry to fulfill the Barytheon/Stark house mixing that Ned had hoped for originally. And that would have its own poetic beauty/balance to it.

  2. Yuhp, that exerpt is incredibly weighted. It means multiple things with every sentence, and every sentence continues to clarify the picture that the writer is attempting to paint. I'm worried now too, lol.

    Ok, so, in the context of the story, during this passage, Arya is hiding from her sewing lessons. After taking everything into consideration. It's hard to deny that she will die near the end of the story. But hell, that means she's going to die doing something important. If she freezes through the winter, and they actually do find her in the spring, years later, her fate could be anything. She might even be some kind of wight, a peaceful wight, after killing the Night King? Why would she stay frozen all season? the only explanation is that she went away, she never returned. In the shows, we have a story that involves an Arya Stark returning to her home. After this conversation with Jon Snow, she does return to her room to find her Septam and her Mother.

    I just read a lot, my brain hurts. Arya story is so good, books so much better than show, that moment between Jon and Arya in the book is DEFINITELY cut from the show, it would have helped explain Joffrey a bit more as well early on, and Bran, etc.

    love the content, thanks in bunches!!

  3. Video: Makes Statement: Arya can die.

    Me: No Way

    Video: Explains it all

    Me: That is actually a good theory

    Video: "And than she will warg in Nymeria and live out her days in the wolfpack"

    Me: Okay dude, that was one massive step to far on this theory.

    In all honesty, I don't think she will die. That Ned look wasn't foreshadowing, I think it was more on how she managed to block Syrio's blow, which the latter also looked shocked about. It seemed Ned realized Arya was truly ment to be a fighter.

  4. I don't think Arya will die, but will probably be broken after the Long Night. In season 6, she talks about going to the land west of Westeros to Lady Crane because nobody knows what's there. Lady Crane says it could be the "edge of the world." I think that's where she'll live out the rest of her life.

  5. For me, the most important reason is that she has bad luck! Everytime she try to meet a member of her family, they die. Her father (lost his head), her brother Robb (grew more attached to his wolf than ever), her mother (lost the concour of the sexiest neck), and her aunt Lysa (try to fly but fail). The only one who survive the malediction are the one she didn't search for: Bran (because she though he was dead) and Sansa (we all know why!) It's more dangerous to have her looking for you than have your name on her list!!!

  6. No way will Arya be killed in the end . Her life so far has been so full of sadness and suffering that there must be a way to lead her to a life untroubled with a degree of happiness. Though I am fascinated with your suggestion of her dying and her spirit transferred to her dire wolf.

  7. This reminds of my supervisor. Our job is so stressful that you will feel suicidal at times.

    We asked him how he deals with it and he told us he's dead inside. I end up doing the same and now I am no one just like Arya. Lol

  8. Arya will use little fingers face to kill Cersei wouldn't be surprised, she will probably try to ask for him to come down to kill the starks some way. We never saw what they did with the body and Arya always needs new faces.


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