Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 has leaked online and many of you have already watched the Episode. This video will not be a review of Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 but there is one scene that was accidently released that I want to talk about and that’s the scene of Arya Stark and Brienne Sparring together at Winterfell. Not only that but in that scene you can see Arya Stark wearing the Valyrian Steel Dagger that was once used to try accidently bound kill Bran Stark. Now that Arya has Valyrian Steel this may be a sign of what’s to come for her story. Comment below and tell me what you thought about this scene. Did you enjoy watching Arya and Brienne fight it out for a few minutes? Let me know. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. I'm worried about something Sansa said in episode 4. She said Jon was happy to see her and his heart would probably stop when he saw Arya. GoT doesn't usually say things like that for no reason. I am worried. Could you talk about it in a coming video?

  2. Catpaw is for the Mountain. The only was for Arya to get past him. Would be it having a similar effect to the Mountain as a Walker. Arya fight with Brienne was subtle preparation to the audience for that showdown. Arya displayed the same cockiness that was the downfall of the Viper. That will add tension to the fight. I believe she will win. Because Bran gave it to her but the look of sadness says either she will succumb to her wounds or she fall short of reaching Cersi…

  3. If all these folks are going north with their Valaryian steel swords and the Dothraki are mining the dragon glass (Gendry will turn the dragon glass into weapons) what chance do Jon & company have with winning the Great War?

  4. Yes love the fight and the episode… love Arya ufff she was great, see her get home, I just can't get over seeing the banner of Stark again, I wait sow many years to this moment… really loving this season and my Stark

  5. Just before Brienne kicked Arya she clutched her left hand to her face. Did anyone catch why she did that? I played it several times, but didn't see anything obvious which would have caused that, like Arya nicking her cheek, etc.

  6. Is it just me or does Sansa seem jealous of Arya.
    She didn't look too happy when Bran gave the dagger to Arya and also when she saw Arya training with Brean.
    I also think all knowing/seeing Bran gave the dagger to Arya for purpose.
    I still do not think Sansa should be trusted by her siblings.
    I also wrote a couple of months ago that Tyrion when it comes down to it will never harm Jaime, so I wasn't too surprised when he didn't make any attempt to warn Mother of Dragons but instead was more worried for Jaime.


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