The Game of Thrones Season 7 Promotion continues as Entertainment Weekly releases even more photos the day after HBO releases the first Official Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer. Some of the photos released by Entertainment Weekly reveal an interesting detail about Arya Stark for Season 7.

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  1. If Arya ends up with the dagger its because she has killed little finger. I don't think that Sansa would order the death because with her being from the North she knows that who ever passes sentence must swing the sword.. Maybe Sansa kills little finger and gives the Dagger to Arya since she knows her sister would use it more than she…

  2. When Sam is looking through the books he took at home with tilly and little Sam. He turns a page . The page shows the dagger .the camera paused on it .turns the next page and finds the dragon glass mout under drago stone

  3. i think arya gets the dagger by one of two means: 1 – Sansa kills Little-Finger and gives it to Arya when they are re-united or 2 – Sansa commissions Arya to kill Little-Finger and she takes it off his corpse.

  4. Do you wonder if HBO are pulling a red herring with cover?
    Arya arriving back home, Sansa and Arya teaming up to take down LF. Its all a bit too neat.

    I'm wondering if Arya will use the dagger to stab someone else….. like a family member 🙁

  5. QUESTION: Do you think Arya kills Beric?
    I'm asking because the pics from the Entertainment release show Arya on the same horse as the pic of Beric riding with Sandor. Same saddle and accessories. It could be a coincidence but using the saddle and everything… Do the horses have special saddles specific to them too?

  6. Or Arya just kills Littlefinger for betraying her father. She's not going to wait for Sansa to condemn him, Hell, she's not going to wait for anyone or anything once she sets her sights on a target. If she knows what he did then she'll kill him first chance she gets.

  7. i think you are overthinking the cats paw blade message. HBO would never foreshadow the death of a major character with hard evidence. I think that the blade is given to arya by littlefinger to awaken trust in the two. Littlefinger has spies and may well know how lethal arya is and that she is best your ally not your enemy. PLS GET BACK TO ME AND/OR make a video on this

  8. In the books the dagger LF holds to Ned's throat is this one. He pulls it out of Ned's belt. I think the same happened in the show but I can't quite remember. If that's how it went down though then Arya slitting LFs throat with it would be a nice parallel.

  9. I wouldn't call this "confirmed" just yet. It does seem highly likely, but there are other ways Arya could get the dagger. It could be that Sansa gives it to her after she, or Sweet Robyn, or someone working for her, kills LF. Then again, it might actually be a gift from LF to Arya as an attempt to win her favour. FL is a master manipulator and if he finds out Arya is an assassin, he might want her to work for him, to prevent her working against him. Granted, I do think your theory is more likely, but Martin does love to throw twists at us. At the very least, I think there's more to this simply because they showed it in the promos. It seems too obvious a spoiler to me. I'm sure there's more story to that dagger than it seems at first glance.

  10. A clever reunion would be Arya and her mother, a character that has essentially disappeared and nobody expects her to really play an important role again. Nymeria, we have all being expecting back… but not Cathelyn…

  11. A proper forged – traditional dagger will definetally make Arya even more dangerous. Needle is like a small rapier good for very quick pokes and stabs without having much use for slicing (except for candles or if just upon bare flesh) where as the stout, sharp as hell dagger will be good for quick slicing and dicing and effective stabbing through leather and precision strikes to any gaps in plate armor..

  12. The pic with arya and the lollipop makes me worried, in that maybe she will be near death/really cold, using it so her lip colour turns blue in the show. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  13. okay Arya knows her father had the dagger… She looks under Little Finger's bed and finds the dagger, she puts two and two together and cuts Little Finger's throat… I doubt that it is Sansa ordering his execution… Ha, she may even be wearing Ned's face when she cuts his throat..

  14. The short clip you showed with Arya and LF.
    LF has leverage over Arya, as he saw her with Tywin and didn't betray her.
    Not much leverage, but a Little. Anf he can go miles with a Little Leverage.

    Maybe, just maybe, LF could give Cat's Pawn to Arya for some reason.


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