Arya’s death confirmed – Game of Thrones season 8



  1. I hope they brought Gendry back to not only fight in the War to Come but also to play a role in the final episode of GOT. And that role had its genesis back in episode 1 of the series. A role destined to be tied to Sansa's story.

    Sansa's story arc to date has put her on a path to rule a kingdom and marry for love. GRRM promised a bittersweet ending; Sansa's sweet destiny serves to balance GRRM's bitter finish (the death of most of our beloved characters).

    From birth, Sansa wished for the fabricated fairy tale all noble ladies dreamed. Ned spoke these words to Arya (which more aptly apply to Sansa) in season one, "You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords." This defines the role noble ladies serve in Westeros. Noble girls cement alliances and breed the ruling class. Sansa wished for this life, the life of a queen, until the her time with Joffrey exposed the ugly life of noble politics. Sansa has rejected the life of a pawn; Kings Landing, Joffrey, Cersei, Petry, Ramsey opened her eyes to the unhappy and impotent life of a brood mare. Sansa will plot the course of her own choosing.

    Sansa studied politics with adept masters and false rulers: Petry, Cersei, Tyrion, Joffrey, Ramsey, and Ned. A tortured life has prepared Sansa to lead nobly. She is ready for "the great game now". Sansa's course will be to rule; and to do so for the betterment of her people.

    Sansa was never free to marry for love. She was merely a political pawn. Her prearranged and forced unions led to nothing but unhappiness: Joffrey, Tyrion, Ramsey, Petry. Sansa will break from tradition and not marry for political advantage, but rather for happiness. To a good man: brave, gentle and strong. Not many of those men in Westeros.

    If there is bittersweet justice in GRRM's world, Sansa will marry Gendry and continue the Stark and Baratheon alliance. Sansa won't marry Gendry to honor the bond between two dead men, but because she loves the admirable and hopefully legitimized Gendry.

    Gendry, the blacksmith who trained under Tobho Mott, re-forges "Oathkeeper (Ned)" and "Widow's Wail (Catelyn)" back into the Stark family's Valyrian steel sword "Ice". The Stark family is now whole again.

    Sansa will rule as the Wardeness of the North, with Gendry by her side (traditional female/male roles be dammed). A Stark must always be in Winterfell.

    Robert's Rebellion – the precursor to the Game of Thrones – was set in motion when a Baratheon failed to marry a Stark. The story will come full circle, just as Robert foretold in season one. Robert said to Ned "I have a son. You have a daughter. We'll join our houses." Gendry and Sansa will live happily ever after, as a sign of hope that all is not cursed for the survivors of the Great War to come.

    All bitter and no sweet will be an unsatisfying ending.

    Write it into existence GRRM.

  2. Great stuff in your video. My hope for Arya is to see her dancing on the water in the final 7th episode.

    The story GRRM spun for Arya is defined by:
    a. bloodlust and revenge (she has her list),
    b. a rejection of the traditional female role, and
    c. the long journey to become a lethal assassin.

    Arya's final season needs to stay true to the hallmarks of her story.

    While Jon and Daenerys battle the Night King, Arya convinces the Hound to join her on a Kings Landing mission to strike off the top names on both their lists – Cersei and the Mountain. Revenge must be served. Clegane Bowl happens (the Hound wins) and at the same time Arya uses a handmaiden's face to kill Cersei (fulfilling the Valonqar Prophecy in a non-straightforward way).

    Team Jon and Daenerys won't be distracted by Cersei's betrayal; Cersie falls before the Night King is neutralized. Arya plays no meaningful role in the battle with the Night King, but brings the hope of brighter days to Westeros with Cersei's "Walder Frey-like" death.

    The final season makes it clear Arya wants no part of marriage and titles but instead, like Nimeria, will run with her own pack. Arya will form and lead a pack of Westorosi assassins inspired by the Faceless Men but who do not worship the Many Faced God (Arya's services require a more noble justification than gold for death). Instead, Arya's pack will seek out justice where injustice exists. Arya effectively becomes Batman and forms her Justice League, Ned would be proud.

    Arya stays close to her family (i.e. pack) in Winterfell (Sansa). Stark fans can envision a future Aunt Arya encouraging one of Sansa's daughters to embrace the young girl's tomboy temperament, much like Ned did for Arya.

    For sure, this all sounds too good to be true in GRRM's world. But, Arya's eventual happy ending is the toll GRRM must pen in order to pay for all the deaths he has in store for our favorite characters (Jon, Jamie, Bran, Varys, Jorah, Tormund, et al). All bitter and no sweet will be an unsatisfying ending. Arya's story will turn sweet as the screen fades to black.

    Write it into existence GRRM.

  3. No..she is one of the 5 main key characters who they are considered as the ''kids''of George,along with Jon,Danny,Tyrion and Bran…She cannot die…GRRMs wife will give in him divorce if that happens..She will kill Cercei will the help of the Hound and will united with Gendry in the end marrying him as Robert promised to Ned in S1..i have son you have a daughter…lets marry them..Arya,Jon and Danny they have plot armor..

  4. Not worried about Arya's love life. I am concerned about her passion and killing. She has used her Faceless Men training without supervision nor payment. Somehow she will get in trouble sooner or later. All men must die.


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