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  1. Arya doesnt HATE sansa…..shes just disappointed with sansa and her lust for power. Arya was close with her father and she never forgot what ned said about family. End of the day, Arya will back up sansa as long as she is loyal to the stark legacy. Arya was always close to Jon because Jons character was exactly like Ned. The younger siblings loved Jon and never treated him as a bastard. Caitlyn stark was a real bitch! I mean…….sure, be upset if your husband had an affair which resulted in a baby (even though that was not the case) but to hate an innocent child and not be kind at all? you gotta have a heart of ice for that one! Aryaz my fave! she dont tolerate bullshit!

  2. Firstly, Arya does NOT hate Sansa. What she's trying to do is make her stop turning her story into a sob story and saying she had no choice, when we know she did. Arya knew that too. This is all in plot to kill little finger.

    Arya wants to seem like she's going after Sansa to make Sansa wake up and realize Little Finger needs to die. So in playing mind games with her, in making her feel threatened, she's getting Little Finger to plot against her, which Sansa won't take the bait for. Which is why she sent Brienne away so Brienne didn't get involved in the two of them, whom she's sworn to protect.

    Little Finger will die next episode.

  3. 3:36 where is the proof that Arya was jealous?? Arya told her father "that is not the life for me" plus Arya always wanted to be a Knight… she threw down the sewing needles for a bow and arrow!

  4. I think arya is acting the "typical sansa hater" (hating her for things back in season 1 lol) in order to coax Sansa into genuinely fighting with her, so littlefinger who's watching is convinced that there is tension in their relationship (not "testing" her loyalty to jon as so many would believe)

    Sansa isnt the only one who surprised at the changes in her sister, I bet arya was expecting, making her big sister angry an easy thing to do (flashback to arya throwing food at her sister and her freaking out to tears about it) sansa has changed.. shes learned to control her emotions better and has overall more composure than she did back in season 1

    she's been living amongst Joffrey, Cercei, Ramsey and all the people of kings landing really.. she had to hide what she was truly thinking, and not show any reactions despite the many attempts made to make her do so

    When arya was questioning sansa's loyalty to her family, and sansa made that proud statement about being the one who saved Jon and won the BOTB with the help of the vale
    I think she was genuinely surprised seeing this ambitious/proud side of her sister
    (a side she would probably like more)

    arya knew sansa never wanted the throne, she wanted to get married off to a handsome lorde and have his kids that was pretty much her entire life goal, so when she made that comment about sansa wanting "power for herself" I dont think she really believed it herself at first, it was just a jab to get her to react after seeing how the lords we're treating her..
    so her attack was momentarily halted in her own surprise in this change of her sister

    to be more specific when I say "power" I'm not referring to the power that comes from sitting on a throne, but more of a influential power that comes from being say..
    lady catlylnn stark, that's what sansa wants, not a crown or uncomfortable chair

    also Sansa admittedly is not as good of an actor as say.. Arya, so the only way for this to work was if sansa really believed her sister was so angry at her she wanted her dead
    Sansa needed to be pushed into a corner for this to come off more real..but I don't believe Arya ever really blamed her sister for anything she was accusing Sansa of..

    I think sansa has started to have some suspicions about arya's real objectives

    LF gave that knife to Bran to gain his trust, he gave it to arya and she gave it to Sansa
    (it could be taken as handing over power to someone else, or asking for trust)
    I think this is the moment in which Sansa decided to trust her sister despite not really understanding her motives behind her personal attacks, she sent brienne and podric away (her only real protection) right after LF suggested she get her involved
    I think Sansa has decided to trust her sister despite her uncertainties

  5. I do agree that Arya is home training Sansa, and I do believe she still had rage about her father's death and has jealous towards Sansa, but ultimately I think Arya wants Sansa to see their real enemy: Little Finger. There is no way LF is playing Arya, but he's playing Sansa like he has for the past 3 seasons. I think Arya wants to warn Sansa and to tell her to wake up and use the power she has as a leader.

  6. I'm so glad I found this channel . There are so many channels out there that do episode reviews . This one is critically unique , it goes beyond to the " why " . The " why " is explained and examined from a foundational perspective .

  7. All that stuff she keeps harping on and on about Sansa having/liking nice things is clouding this message of "be loyal". It seems more like she has a grudge she can't stop out of childhood pettiness. If I was Sansa, I would be thinking "okay so my sister hates me and is out to get me". I'm not seeing an olive branch from Arya, just criticism and belittling. No suggestions, just dismissals.


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