Oh look, here we are. Braavos, where Arya Stark is learning to be No One. She’s still training with the mean girl who hates her, but eventually pulls a Daredevil and learns to fight blind. It doesn’t do her much good, however, as she drinks from the magic (and potentially deadly) pool and regains her eyesight. I guess she’s truly become “a girl” and left Arya behind her.



  1. The name is Araya Stark of house Stark who is out for blood and seeks revenge on those who like to prey on Starks and want to conquer Winterfell castle Lookout Lannisters and people of kings landing the Stark wolf of winterfell has awakened and thirsts for Lannister blood.😈

  2. By saying "Which name would you like a girl to speak" Arya did two things: she checkmated the Waif in the Game of Faces, since the Waif can't strike her without exposing the fact that she herself is not really "no one". This very effectively unnerved the Waif. And…she made clear to all of us the fact that the Waif, who clearly is not taking this training dispassionately, is not acting as "no one" now and so is not a worthy apprentice to the Faceless Men.

  3. Boy it was so emotional to see all the ordeal Arya's been through eventually paid off. 3:20 the stance of confidence and dominance is absolutely gold. I fuckin love the character progression in Arya's arc.

  4. She went through the same transparent cleansing that the high sparrow was tryin to force on people. She got everything off her chest, all the problems arya had and conflicts in her mind, she had to hash out one by one to figure out who she was.

  5. years later I get this scene a little more. The waif has no name so Arya cannot add her to the list hence the what name would a girl like me to speak. in other words she says you without saying you.

  6. There's this crazy story that the waif actually doesn't exist and Arya is actually only fighting herself to become "no one". I think this is a legit theory. No on ever seems to see the waif except Jaqen and Arya. The waif seems to know everything about Arya and easily sees through her lies. She knows always how to find her. No one ever cares on the street that the waif beats up a blind girl (shown elsewhere). The waif stabs Arya deeply, but the next day Arya is up again and runs away from her tormentor. Maybe because the waif is just a figment of Arya's imagination to "kill" her old self?

  7. The Waif: 'That's a short list. That can't be everyone you want to kill. Are you sure you're not forgetting someone?'
    Arya: 'No. You're not important enough to put on my list.'
    I would have stood up and applauded if Arya had said something like that.


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