While, It will not be until autumn when we can meet the second season of the adventures of Din Djarin and his protégé baby Yoda, more and more information is emerging around the series, so expectations will be very high when the first episode premieres, but everything points to it being up to the task again, since the appearance was revealed from the Darksaber without CGI in ‘The Mandalorian’ and it’s awesome.

As we will remember, at the end of the season finale, Moff Gideon managed to escape from his ship using the legendary Darksaber, A weapon made by the first Jedi Mandalorianoi and has become a benchmark in the ‘Star Wars’ saga, so the series will surely explain how it came into the hands of this villain.

Although it could be said that the Darksaber looks impressive only for the special effects, the truth is that even without these it looks quite intimidating And it is that thanks to the documentary, ‘Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian’, we have already witnessed what this weapon looks like without the CGI and we must say that any fan of ‘Star Wars’ will want to have one.

When the original trilogy was recorded, it was quite a feat to do the scenes involving lightsabers, Since wooden sticks covered with a reflective material were used, to later incorporate the effects in the edition, this same formula was used for the prequels, only these sticks were changed for plastic swords.

So for the new trilogy, the prop swords were illuminated with the respective color that the lightsaber would have within the movie, and this has been taken up by ‘The Mandalorian’, so the Darksaber looks very real even though the CGI effects have not been added yet.

Source: Disney

In this way the true appearance of the Darksaber was revealed in ‘The Mandalorian’ And if it already looks great, wait to see it when Gideon uses it to fight Din Djarin, since surely the bounty hunter will not let such an important weapon for the Mandalorian culture be in the hands of this villain.

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