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Just sharing my ideas one my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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weirwood by TheOnlyOneOneOne:

Canción de Hielo y Fuego- El Blog de Poniente: La Llegada de los Ándalos

Bill Corbett:

Weirwood by ConnorNiall:




Pyke” by Lino Drieghe:

digital demon tree bykevcrossley

Weirwood Tree by Jialin:


Simon Rogers: Ancient tree

Varamyr Sixskins and his animals, by Elena María Vacas

Jose Ramon-Casso Austin:

Gustavo Almeida: The Pact

Thanks For Watching!



  1. Hmm, I think this was the least swayed I've been by any of your theory videos; you're starting to make it an outright Children versus Mankind thing, which I feel isn't subtle enough for the series. For fairness sake, I'd like to hear your opposing side about how the First Men/Andals might have deceived the Children (in the Pact and onwards), so it's not just the Children being dishonourable all the time.
    Still, I always appreciate a well-thought out viewpoint!

    Side-note: Pretty sure it's pronounced "weer-wood"… (

  2. I have Theory that Maybe the Blood Trees, The Old Gods, The Children of the Forest, Green seers and The Three Eyed Raven are really a Third Party in the Great Game that plays both the lord of Fire and The Great other against each other. They both Helped and fought each side at one point or another. This third God would be a sort of Gaia-like entity, that represents earth and nature. And the two other Gods fight take or court the third. while the third wants neither of them.

  3. I think the real villain of ASOIAF are the TREES. The weirwoods. Everyone thinks the trees are repositories for the Children, but what if the Children serve the trees, not the other way around? What if the trees form a network all over the world and there's a weirwood in the basement of the house of Black and White, which has a weirwood door? What if they sacrifice the bodies to it, perfect and unmarked? Furthermore, what if the wars started because the First men were cutting down the trees and they, like Fangorn forest, wanted revenge? All MEN must die…

  4. Im just saying y'all got sumthn really bad against the Children and it just seems to me that the 1st men either elected to believe what they did and live 4ever(which y'all clued me N2, for which I'm gr8ful) just as much as Kill Them,(better than the Andals) but until the Greenseers and childlike warriors were gone and then What….Last ditch measures were make deals with Frozen Gods (Making the others to protect themselves like Bodyguards or a Vanguard of sorts till the Nightking decided to make deals( n the bed!?!) of his own. Just a Theory

  5. I know with CRISPR it's not possible to make real Weirwood trees… but trees that look like them would be possible and that would be awesome!

    Sorry, quite unrelated, but that's where my mind wanders when ever I hear about Weirwood trees… I just love them so much: their apparent abilities, their history, their importance, and also…their look.

  6. okay so I have a theory. it's a very rough Theory with no real evidence for it whatsoever… what if the children of the forest never carved the faces in the weirwood tree at all what if the faces in the weirwood trees were that of the dead children of the forest as where a child of the forest dies and weirwood Tree Grows. basically I posed to you that the children of the forest are the seeds of the weirwood tree and they get so offended by the cutting down and where would trees because those are their fathers their mothers their Elders their ancestors it would make the creation of white walkers very understandable

  7. What about the weirwood tree at the Nightfort in SoS the ''black gate'' as Sam calls it was a weirwood tree was it not? It speaks and allows only men of the night's watch to go through, it opens its mouth as a door. This shows us the magic of The Wall but also of weirwood trees, suggesting that weirwood trees could consume humans ( LOL no its more likely that the children sacrifice humans at weirwood trees), explaining the blood-sap and bones and blood magic sacrifice enables Bloodraven, the children and Bran to utilise their greenseeing abilities.Or the children are using wights like coldhands as sacrifices but seen as benjen is probably coldhands the fact that he is a stark made him useful and he was therefore spared. But maybe the wights being used makes no sense as they couldn't resurrect them without another sacrifice. So maybe they take whoever they can get who is still alive i.e. Jojen paste. Maybe the knowledge of the sacrificed victims is stored in the trees along with blood. Or some other spooky shit, I don't know just spitting out thoughts here. Any other ideas are welcome!

  8. Watching this video I thought about the Crypt of Winterfell. Where Starks started putting dead Starks as to protect their knowledge/consciousness from getting into the hands of the Children of the Forrest through the Weirwood net.

    What do you think about that theory?

    I just hope it all gets answered in the remaining books to come.


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