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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. It seems to me that the Great Empire of the Dawn is YiTi's version of the Dawn Age as told by the First Men.
    The God-on-Earth, was the light of the sun, that blessed the world with light for at least 10k years and then left the world as it fell into darkness.
    It seems odd though that the Five Forts were built by the 2nd Emperor to fend against the Lion-of-Night and his demons, when the Lion-of-Night attacked after the Bloodstone Emperor killed his sister to ascend to power. Could it be that there were 2 Long Nights in the past?

  2. You did say that you are not a history buff, I would just like to point out that the oldest archeological site in north america is 13,200 and 15,500, located in Kortallayar river basin, and that there are ruins that far more than 200-300 in both north and south america.

    The Dawn Empire legend and mythological emperors is very similar to the origin legends of China, and also the art in World of Ice and Fire reaffirms this.

    I find your interpretation of Quaiths profecy very and comparison of Lovecraft and GRRM very interesting.

    Another author who has mystical potentially sentinent and definitely powerful stones, and who can count GRRM among her fans, is Ursula K. LeGuin. In her Earthsong series she has several ominous stones that are never fully explained, but play a metaphorical role.

  3. You have to understand, Yi-Ti is not just "whats left" of the GEotD. It is just the only part of the former Empire that kept the cultural tradition. The people of the GEotD were not ethnically Yi-Tish. They were most likely were from the Shadow Lands/Asshai, and had Valyrian features (platinum/silver hair, pastel eyes). Yi-Ti, is just the only part of the Empire that rmembers what happened.

  4. I feel like there'd be more WoT fans than Dune fans tho. There's also supposed to be a WoT show in production? (You can tell by the timing of my comments that I've been watching this episode in parts.)

  5. @20min how the hell can you get things so wrong? You say that all these places had different heroes? That makes no sense, and doesn't follow what we know of human folklore. No. The hero happened one time, and all different civilizations had their own understanding of it. The same way religions operate today. It's really simple.

  6. You forgot my favorite fact about Yi-Ti. The people there build fake homes right beside their real homes in their cities, furnished fully identical to their own home, but filled with booby traps, hazards and dangers to ensnare would be invaders or thieves. So if you are ever in the land of Yi-Ti and you enter a home that seems empty of people but gives you a sense of danger you have quite possibly stumbled upon a "Yi-Ti faux home."

  7. I always enjoy your videos. You have such a wonderful voice even my animals stop to listen… 😌 I always find something to think about differently. Looking forward to Dune. Love and Seven Blessings…. 💖🦏


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