Exploring Melisandre in depth.

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. Quinn you really need to look into the Leanan Sidhe and its parallels to the cold bride of the Night's King. You have a goid point about the history of the COTF paralleling the history of the sidhe. Even old Ireland being referred to as Hibernia, which translates "land of eternal winter" paralleling "the land of always winter" in ASOIAF. Gotta read into the leanan sidhe.

  2. My biggest question, which you touched on lightly, is WHY Melisandre is so gung ho Stannis for as long as she is. Related, what are your theories regarding Stannis’s final fate/ role in the events to come? Good stuff, great work on putting Mel in perspective and kudos for reading an entire chapter live 😅

  3. hey man cool stream! listen i'd like to pick your brain for a second, i've studied the books thoroughly like so many before me, and regarding bloodraven I think there is clear evidence that he's been messing with people's dreams and shit. Of course mel is serving a different god and everything but do you think there is a chance that he is now messing with mel's visions? I think its pretty likely, I mean I know this chapter sort of proves she is a bit of a charlatan, but I think there is no denying her actual telepathic gifts (or whatever you wanna call it). And Brynden is clearly freaking her out here, and she seems to sort of lose her cool and focus a lot on jon from here on out, so do you think bloodraven is influencing mel somehow?
    Thanks bro, really enjoy your stuff, have a good one!


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