The Shadows of the east, what mysteries hide in them?

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. Nyarlothotep was probably the one who spoke to the mad king. He's probably R'hollor too. Misleading the characters in the story by disguising itself as the "lord of light" while using human's as it's thrall in order have them self sabotage their own existence. the fall of the targaeryan dynasty seems to be the beginning of the collapse of the current westerosi civilization it seems. "Burn them……burn them all"

  2. Man I would love if one day Daenerys's in her arrogance as a ruler bravely flew her dragons to confront the cosmic horror, intent on scorching its flesh to ash and rending it into submission…. only to never return, another victim to have been devoured by the crawling everlasting chaos.

  3. To get you off your obsessive thought with Lovecraft influence in ASOIAF. It is most likely that living beneath the ruins are the Children of the forest. And influencing the rulers in the east just like in our story.

  4. It doesn't state one way or the other if the caves have been reopened. However, Leng rose up and separated from Yi Ti 400 years ago (Oh, roughly around the time of the doom). They set up a dynasty of god empresses of Lengii decent and she claims two male concubines.

    Again, that is not to imply anything was inaccurate. Just makes it a little spookier.

  5. Good Video! One of my favourite topics.
    Definitely a few places mentioned in WOIAF going very deep underground and mentions about people who travel in these tunnels/cave systems going mad. Leng, Lorath, House of the Undying, Bran's cave maybe Winterfell crypts all have potential to serve as entrances of tombs or prisons of some types of old gods, or lead to some R'lyeh type underworld maybe?

  6. Do you suppose the Andals might be the decedent's of the great empire and after its destruction they fled to westeros? Hence why they showed up seemingly out of nowhere with superior technology fighting for their 7 pointed star, an oad to the former name of their religion.

  7. wait wait wait. Is this clear? are you suggesting the faceless god is the messenger of the great ones? so that makes him a bitch, and all the faceless men the bitches of some bitch. But here is something else, which is highly improbable, but it would be awesome cus' we all know littlefinger is a bitch, however what if he was someone else's bitch? aha! got you, the guy is too twistedly manipulative for just being an ambitious prick. We have no evidence, as the one that suggests that euron is the bitch of the drowned god. But it would turn the game of thrones into a battle of gods to rule the fate of the world, something very similar to Neil Gaiman's American gods

  8. This was awesome 🌟 as usual. I know that the old gods are stirring! I remember that in Volantis at the Red Temple of R'hollor The priest writing a a spell in FIRE, the letters would stay alight! The old woman who Jorah gifts with the gloves tells him 2 bring the Dragon Queen 2 Volantis 2 free the slaves.


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