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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. We don't know if the others are supposed to feed the trees or what their relationship is to the CotF. The CotF were giving the early Night's Watch dragonglass and we know how the Others are vulnerable to that. The early Night's Watch were also all followers of the Old Gods. You're right that it's odd that the Wall is made of ice even though the Others are seemingly masters of ice (and have giant spiders which would seemingly be very good wall climbers).

    Secrets of the Citadel just made a video on Wierwoods as well. Neither of you seem to realize that weirwoods are not so unique as you claim. The black barked trees that Dany sees at the House of the Undying that makes Shade of the Evening seem to be somehow a rival or a kin of some sorts to the weirwoods. As everybody has noticed, Weirwood paste and Shade of the Evening are seemingly identical. There's places on the planet, most notably the door at the House of Black and White that has both a white weirwood and a black counterpart as a sort of ying/yang to each other. That shade of the evening tree outside of the House of the Undying surely must be the black counterpart to the weirwood.

  2. Yeah, smart idea: total darkness is so ideal for the trees!…
    If really the weirwoods are like a sentient being I don't think they'd have the white walkers bring forth a night long a generation; you know trees need light to live, chlorophyll photosynthesis and all that stuff!…
    It seems the Long Night would be really, really bad for all vegetal life!

  3. Very good, I think you nailed it here…The "Order of the Green hand" has a large series of vids on this, and its ties to the faceless men and their temple in Bravos.

  4. I am loving this theory. Everyone says the children are evil but i have never felt that way, they just don't seem that sinister towards humans. I mean blood sacrifice is one thing but there are a lot of interesting traditions involving sacrifice to the gods throughout history.

    Took me 2 days to watch this because of children (not THE children, just MY children, which definitely are evil.).

  5. I always had this suspicion that the Others had built the Wall; History is told by the living and the living needed heroes to inspire the people, so Humans said they built the Wall. So what passes down from human generation to generation as stories is the true History, amazingly still there after thousands of years, along side with History.

  6. The trees form the Great Other or are a conduit of his power? Could be why Melissandre is so keen about burning Godswoods when she only burnt the Seven once, and symbolically, in Stannis "fire coronation".

  7. I feel like 99% of the fans don't give a shit about Weirwoods, and I can't understand why. It's basically stuffed in our face that there's something creepy about them.
    What do think? Ygritte = Ygg (Yggdrasil, Weirwood) + rite (ritual)? There are not many red heads beyond the Wall, is that the reason? Kissed by Fire.

  8. If your theory is correct the correct way is to cut or burn as many weirwoods as possible. The fanatical first Andals in Westeros were right. Burn the weirwoods death to the COF.

  9. I love this theory! I definitely think that this is what's going on. It would line up with the Others killing Waymar Royce in the prologue by hacking at him so that his blood would soak into the soil. I always thought it was strange that his death was was referred to as "cold butchery".

  10. Another great video narrated with emotion and expression expertly. Personally I really enjoy these type of videos as opposed to your live streams. The live streams come across as all over the place when discussing topics. Sometimes on your livestreams your guest can take over the narration and they may have opinions and theories that are totally whack. We prefer to listen to you, not some other dude who shows up and takes control of your channel sharing crazy ideas that literally are fucking insane. I mean dont get me wrong, you have some crazy ideas that seem crazy sometimes as well, but for whatever reason your crazy shit is more palatable than your guests.

    I think that your content comes sourced primarily from the books? That is good becauseI have to say that while season 7 of the tv show had some truly amazing moments, but at the same time it felt like season 7 was also lacking in something. What that something is, is hard to pin down exactly, but I think it may be lore related? Keep up the good work!

    I realize that there is only so much content and available information on some of my favourite topics like Ashai, Stygai, the 5 Forts, Valeria, the greasy black stone, the true north beyond the veil of light, White Walker culture etc. For me I have practically memorized all of the available written content on these subjects, so we can only enter the realm of speculation when it comes to ne video content on these subjects. I am sure that this is a reality that you have also come to grips with yourself, likely on a regular basis; as such, please continue to pump out more content even if it is clearly speculation at this point.

    I would love to see more videos on the following topics even though you hav3 already done videos on these topics, sometimes in multiples already:

    Stygai – I can’t get enough information on Stygai. What is it, how old is it, what resides there now, has anyone visited and returned alive?
    The Lengii and the underworld beneath their feet inhabited by a fallen deity
    The greasy black stone cities in the jungle that are abandoned
    The Crypts beneath Winterfell
    Ice Dragons and the Shivering Sea stories
    The hidden Vale north of the Wall
    The True North beyond the curtain of light that shows what is so important up there
    City of the Winged Men
    City of the Bloodless Men
    The Grey Waste
    The Giants of Essos, or lack thereof these days
    The Great Emporer of the Dawn that ruled for 10k years
    The Bloodstone Emporer

    These are all topics you have covered in the past, but I would like to hear them again, perhaps with some new speculation? Your channel is great even if the tv show has lost its way a bit, I can still count on this channel to be based mainly off the book, which is never off the rails like the show.

  11. I really like this theory. What if the Great Other is tied to the weirwood net. Maybe the conscious weirwood net is the Great Other or the sacrifices to the trees are how he gets his power. We never are told the name of the Great Other. Perhaps that is because its name would reveal what the he is.

  12. Crackpot theory. Could The Silence be made from Weirwood trees? With the red paint to cover blood stains being just blood stains from sacrifices and battles? I don't think Euron would care to hide his blood soaked deck, I feel like he'd wear it as a badge of honor. If true, it would give Euron a direct line to Bloodraven.

  13. I thought something similar but it's "The Forest". As in "The children of the forest" isn't a short joke made by the first men, It's one living "many faced" being. And not the only one. "The forest" An Earth god. "The heart of winter" An Ice god behind the others. "R'hllor" A fire god of dragons, and "The drowned god" An ocean god. I think it's all Lovecraft style cosmic horror hidden in plane sight (edit: Oh pretty much the same thing you pointed to in "They who move the pieces" already, just with my take on who's who)

  14. Druids wore white and fed the trees, too. GRRM really likes the Sidhe, so why not a few tree worshipping druid/Children? Manipulation of the elements is the Children's magic, so it's the overriding one. I think of the Weirwoods as the plant world equivalent of dragons.

  15. I've also always beel suspicious about the wall. What if it was built to lull the humans into a false sense of security? The fist of the first men sounds like a more fitting name for a place to guard against the undead. What if the Others built the wall in a previous winter to either guard against the humans or deceive them in this way. And after countless generations the humans forgot.


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