Ravens in a song of ice and fire and their connection to the children of the forest.

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. I had a thought hit me about the Blackwood WW tree. I think first they come at night for a reason. It hit me about Bloodraven WW being a parallel to it. Especially as he is half Blackwood. What if the WW is 'dead' and that word is specifically used. You're right they are not supposed to die. What if the Ravens are the Watchers there or guarding it for what may lie beneath it. Just like Bloodraven was part of the WW. It all symbolic of death it would mirror Bloodraven cave perfect. What or rather who is if so.

  2. So, the question is has there ever been a history of ravens failing to deliver important messages or took longer or shorter than they should have? If so, you could posit that the children of the forest purposely made those ravens fail to deliver to manipulate mankind.


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