I made a minor mistake I meant a Song of Fire and Ice other than that I don’t think I didn’t do too bad I don’t have much experience reviewing none Star Wars material so any constructive criticism would be appreciated.



  1. Well done Darksnovia well done. I'll be honest I just got in to the series and I'm enjoying it. There is a friend of mine who is a genius at this stuff and thanks to his teachings and sites with book analysis I've appreciated this series very much. In fact I would say it's on par with LOTR. While the series is a bit much for me at times the book tones done certain things while the show makes things very intense. I'm curious to know who is your favorite GOT charecter, and what mystery do you want to be solved? My favorite is Jon Snow and I'm very impatient to read about the origen of the white walkers. This review is a very special treat, thank you. 🙂 Really excited to hear your thoughts on the sequels. 🙂


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