Co-director of Avengers: Endgame, Joe Russo, has defended the controversial final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, which premiered in the same month as the Marvel superhero epic. Russo said that the negative reactions were magnified on social media, because they were louder, but not necessarily the majority.

Russo said in an appearance on Talks with Google, “Today, rightly or wrongly, there is an intense amount of ownership and opinion, and opinions fly fast and furious. I’ve learned this about social media, that there’s a minority of opinions that are very loud, and they tend to drive the media cycle in a way where it’s not healthy because you’re not getting a true sampling of everyone’s opinion.”

Also read: In a battle between Avengers Endgame and Game of Thrones, there was one clear winner

He added, “It takes energy to go online and bitch about something, you know, and not all of us have that energy or care to do it. You know, it’s also a little bit of narcissism that’s involved with getting online to complain about something, so you have to have the combination of those things in order to do that and I don’t think that’s evocative of a large segment of society.”

Russo, who directed Endgame with his brother Anthony, said that he even admired some of the creative decisions taken by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss in the final season. He said, “They made the choices that they wanted to make with that show and people felt, what I think that they felt, was that they didn’t feel it was seeded properly throughout the series. I loved all the choices. I thought they were crazy and unexpected, and that’s what I want out of a narrative, but I see where people feel like they were upset.”

Also read: Avengers Endgame vs Game of Thrones finale: Anthony Mackie tears apart HBO show, jokes about the coffee cup

Both Endgame and Game of Thrones ended with bold narrative choices – while the Marvel film killed off Iron Man and retired Captain America, GoT transformed the noble Daenerys Targaryen into a villain. But while critical reaction to Endgame was almost unanimously positive, Game of Thrones’ final season was the worst reviewed of the series’ run.

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First Published:
Sep 03, 2019 14:53 IST



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