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  1. U can actually track where thanos going to be by tracking the stone. He going to attack xandar first for power then earth, at earth he going to get mind and time stone. There will be a big battle. He probably send someone to after the reality stone but i doubt that the collector is that stupid. The space stone is being use to conveniently teleport the heroes from one place to another either escape thanos or fight him in the final battle. Hahaha

  2. Is it just me or did Heimdall show all the traits of the soul stone and possibly even had the soul stone in his armor in earlier Thor movies, 'cause I don't know about you but that sounds a lot like a soul ston to me, talking to and sensing Thor in a different realm.

  3. I think Thanos will be traveling the universe collecting the stones and will stop at Xandar because if we remember Ego sort of destroyed the planet while using Peters energy in GOTG, and xandar is vulnerable so taking the reality stone would be easy. Then he goes to The Collector and destroys his exhibition museum because on the trailer for infinity we see Gamora walking thru a destroyed Collectors museum.

  4. In all the universe, how did half of these incredibly powerful infinity stones manage to be on Earth? The Space, Mind and Time Stone have all been on Earth at some point.

  5. Can we just clarify that the grandmaster doesnt know what he has and has no clue about the things he owns. AKA the melty stick, anyone find it strange that it pretty much deletes the guy in the chair and also inside the ord was a stone like shape? I just feel like that could of been an option of where the soul stone is? its an option that im seeing alot more.

  6. Okay guys, fellow fans, nerds and even mr. Awesome yourself..
    Correct me if I am wrong..

    Tesseract -> Space Stone
    H….. -> Soul Stone
    Aether -> Reality Stone
    Necklace -> Time Stone
    Orb -> Power Stone
    Scepter – > Mind Storm

    The "H" COULD be Heimdall, it COULD be Hela, it COULD be Thor's Hammer, it COULD even be the Hole behind Odin´s eye patch (Just kidding about that one)..

    But I must say, I dont believe in any of those, but I do still believe in the T.H.A.N.O.S.-theory.. Instead I have two theories I would like your opinion on..

    1. H -> Hofund
    Heimdall´s sword, which he used to gain access to the Bifrost is called Hofund, or actually Hǫfuð, but Hofund is much easier to spell and pronounce.

    2. H-> Herb
    The heart-shaped herb in the heart of Wakanda that mutated from the meteor that crashed down in the middle of Africa and brought vibranium and a remarkable technological advantage withit.

    Personally, I believe in Hofund! Heimdall has it.. In his sword..

  7. I hope the soul stone is in black panther. for it to be revealed in avengers 4 or captain marvel that feels like a long time. I want to see what object its contained in. my guess is black panther and the herbs source or that meteorite is the source of the infinity stone.

  8. I been hearing alot about this stones. I think the soul gem might be in infinity war cuz i heard that thanos cant complete his test till he have the hole guantle and 6 stones so may be the only way that all the avenger can stop him is by getting to the last stone first then thanos

  9. The Soul Stone will most likely be shown after Infinity War Part 1. I suspect Thanos coming in and knocking everyone around leaving the Avengers and company in ruins. They regroup in the following films but it isn't until Infinity War Part 2 that we see Thanos already wielding the Soul Stone.

  10. I think the Soul Stone was in, or was, the Eternal Flame in Thor: Ragnarok. The fire resurrected Hela's army & Surtur at the end of the film. The Soul Stone has the ability to resurrect the dead & having the "stone" in a form different than a stone is consistent with the MCU storyline. (The Aether was the Reality Stone")

    I also like the Black Panther theory, but I'll stick to my Eternal Flame one until I SEE Black Panther.


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