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  1. Here's my new Avengers Infinity War Thor Upgrades and Changes video and details on the Marvel/Fox/Deadpool Crossover Deal. It's crazy, but there is stuff happening behind the scenes. Posting new Flash Season 4 tomorrow 🙂

  2. Lol Dr. Strange with the time stone is kind of annoying for the MCU although I loved the movie and everything about him with the gem it’s just now I have to ask myself regarding everything in the MCU well why doesn’t Strange just use the time gem to fix this or change that.

  3. I would love to see Fantastic 4 in the MCU but I'm a fan of keeping the mutants out by themselves. I just think it would be weird to never mention mutants in the MCU and all of a sudden boom, here is a race of super powered beings that exist in here.

  4. Can anyone help explain to me why Thor didn't use the Space Stone (Teseract) against Hella and Surtur? I mean, you have one of the most powerful weopons in the universe sitting on a shelf, and you walk right past it. Please enlighten me how this makes ANY sense…

  5. the thing is how would you do it at this point?, i mean if they want to put mr fantastic and his team in the MCU you just pull a spiderman and have they're incident later on its plausible that they could exist within the universe as normal people till they become superheroes and they've just not been mentioned but you ain't doing that with hundreds of mutants even if you had an event to have them all pop up you couldn't have the years of history that make the professor x and magneto stories so compelling and i don't think i could buy the idea that mutants have always been there but none of them have ever used their powers in any public setting and not been seen when you have inhumans in the tv shows, the defenders and both caps and ironmans avengers teams commonly saving the day

  6. Disney is not trying to buy Fox, they are trying to buy some of Fox’s properties. They can’t buy Fox because of FCC laws since they both own a broadcasting company. Disney has also said they will never make a R rated movie.

  7. I don't think its a good idea that Disney buys out Fox…
    Don't get me wrong- I LOVE the idea of the MCU getting their mitts back on X-Men and the Fantastic Four, but having Disney buy out the Fox studios…not so much.
    Means Disney is monopolizing the industry–and it is possible-that someday Disney itself will go under…So what will we be left with then?

  8. I have wanted Fox to give up their Marvel characters since forever. But the last couple years of movies have been changing my mind a little. The MCU movies have been becoming much more campy and Disney-fide. I have been enjoying Fox's R rated adult oriented superhero movies, and I think Fox have really found their niche as far as competing with the MCU. Let Disney be Disney and make those kid friendly movies and hopefully Fox makes more serious adult content superhero movies.

  9. I wouldn't want an Xmen movie anytime soon I would want them to slide them in where appropriate and slowly build up that they exist in the universe and then u can throw them together. For example using Storm in Black Panther. I would like to see a Marvel done Fantastic 4 tho sometime in Phase 4 if possible

  10. Not just X-Men, we might also finally get a good, well made fantastic 4 movie. Imagine if they managed to secure the rights before Avengers 4 wraps up and added silver surfer to the movie. That would be awesome

  11. I'd generally keep them separate with occasional smaller rate cameos/team ups.. like in X-Treme X-Men where you have Cap and Iron Man helping X-Men team members into a hospital.. with exceptions of course, there is a great potential.. I'd also love to see a big Storm/Black Panther crossover

  12. All the X-Men movies are total crap, apart from Deadpool, it would ruin the entire MCU, if it became apart of it!Here's a much better idea, put Agents of Shield, The Defenders and Punisher in the movies!

  13. a marvel xmen crossover wouldn't be possible without ruin the timeline. In their universe, Xmen are known in the world from even before mid 20 century, so it makes no sense they suddenly appear in the MCU universe, like they were always there but nobody talked about them, they didn't helped with anything (like NY invasion), nothing. I don't like it, I think it would ruin the consistency the MCU have build.

  14. Hey man it's me again don't know if you remember I'm the one who's been telling you the soul gem is in wakanda. I still believe it's there it explains how the vibranium is so easy except technology. It has been enhancing the vibranium and also seeps into the ground and enhances the heart shaped herbs to give him abilities I mean look at that city II think it is powered through the gym. Why else would thanos go there in the infinity war trailer to get his gem.


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