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  1. I hop the Marvel Cinematic Universe keeps making AWESOME movies. The comics suck SOOO bad. 🙁 DC is the reverse… no pun intended. DC's new comic stories are AWESOME… at the cost of their movies I guess. 🙁 even their TV shows are starting to go bad. :/

  2. Charlie I saw a magazine that has a story for Infinity War that has several covers with different team ups featuring the different character. In one of the team ups, Wasp is among the group. Does that means she’ll be in the movie?

  3. If anyone needs to bite the dust, the safest bet is Hawkeye. He's essentially useless in this new age of Avengers – he's a fighter with no superpowers who formerly worked for SHIELD. We already have Black Panther and Black Widow as the martial artists.

  4. I hope that if they do decide to kill off Steve, they will have Bucky take up the mantle of Captain America as he does in the comics. Sebastian Stan is one of my favorite actors, and he could do awesome things in future films.

  5. Personally, I don't like seeing characters I grew up with get maimed, lose their signature weapon, have cyborg "enhancements", and/or killed. The NWO wants us all to merge with The Machine and become cyborgs to one degree or another. And we should all have one eye. I'm not into it. I like superheroes who are heroes, but with some special ability. Captain America has his shield, Thor has his hammer, Iron Man has the red & gold armored suit, Spiderman has his red and blue skin-tight suit, etc. Same with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. When you start changing things like costume color / design, turning heroes into cyborgs, changing their gender, maiming them, killing them ~ I just lose interest. Sorry. I'm old school.

  6. hey charlie! what do you think about this – LINKING UNIVERSES


    After ant man meets Dr strange in another dimension, Dr Strange took a tour to different universes. In one of the universes, Dr Strange hears a voice in his head. ( The voice of Patrick Stewart, Professor X )

    DR STRANGE : Who are you?

    PROFESSOR X : My name is Charles Xavier. You are not from here.

    DR STRANGE : Yes, Im sorry. Im just wandering around. Where are you? Why can I hear you in my head? are you real? … heh… is this the reality stone controlling me?

    PROFESSOR X : No. Im in a planet called earth. I am real. I know you are too but somehow you are not from this realm. I can see your thoughts.(reads Dr Strange’s mind). I can see … (video shows Thanos) amazing power.. 6 singularities..

    DR STRANGE : We need your help. My people need your help.

    PROFESSOR X : There are many loop holes in my universe. We have our own problems to solve. Im sorry.. If you could have called earlier when my people are still alive.

    Dr Strange and Professor X scans the different dimensions and timelines and connects with Tony Stark and Reed Richards (separately) who were both using technology that connects to different dimensions. Professor X and Dr strange continue scanning the universes and timelines and were was also able to connect to Namor during his Meditation. The 5 of them met in a point in the universe where ALL intersects. They called the place the “VOID”. The place looks like a room in an old hotel.


    we can include black panther
    or even deadpool : “I can be everywhere, I don’t have a fourth wall! time travel, being in different universes… I can do that.”
    if we don't have a limit in breaking fourth wall, I can also suggest a Stan Lee cameo. who may own the place or inn called “VOID”

  7. Ten Moments I Want To See In The Next Trailer

    1) Thanos strangle the Hulk

    2) Thanos Squeezes Thor's head

    3) Thanos uses the power gem to blow up and throw a planet at the heroes

    4) Tony observes all the laying dead and wounded Avengers/Guardians

    5) Cull Obsidian & The Hulk charging at each other

    6) Corvus Glavie fighting hand to hand combat with Captain America

    7) Ebony Maw mind controling Doctor Strange

    8) Loki comes face to face with Thanos to team up

    9) The Avengers assembles with the Guardians side by side gearing up for Thanos arrivle

    10) Thanos beats Iron Man in a hand to hand combat causing Tony to abandon his destroyed armor

  8. Ok theories time. Regarding the fate of Vision, he most probably gonna get his stone yank out of his forehead early in the movie, then it either can go two ways,
    1) Tony / Bruce / Tchalla gonna fix him a new bod with some cliche consequences like his mind is wipe ( boring)
    2) He gonna be wipe out right infront of Scarlet Witch, resulting in her freaking out and going to a deep depression, THEN she would be so desperate as to conjure her own Vision/Hubby ( referencing House of M)
    Just a theory! #InfinityWar

    Ps: kinda disappointed that this movie gonna be those "army" as Loki had his aliens in the first Avenger and Ultron had his robots. I was hoping is would be more personally done by Thanos and Black Order… 🤷😎


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