An alternate view into Why the Night King and the White Walkers are back, keeping mind what George R.R. Martin has sad:

“Much as I admire Tolkien, and I do admire Tolkien — he’s been a huge influence on me, and his Lord of the Rings is the mountain that leans over every other fantasy written since and shaped all of modern fantasy — there are things about it, the whole concept of the Dark Lord, and good guys battling bad guys, Good versus Evil, while brilliantly handled in Tolkien, in the hands of many Tolkien successors, it has become kind of a cartoon. We don’t need any more Dark Lords, we don’t need any more, ‘Here are the good guys, they’re in white, there are the bad guys, they’re in black.’”

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  1. Superb as always 🤗💚💛💙 it was so much fun collaborating on this on PATREON. ah, I wish more people would join to chat 😌🤓
    I was wondering about Mel being a slave. .. where is her tattoo? I don't remember seeing it on her young nor net old self. ..🤔

  2. Well said i don't know what they're up to but the Night King and the army of the dead are bad for business R'hhlor is also burning children alive oh my bad sacrificing them for "the greater good " hmm either way Jon Snows got his hands full trying to band the stubborn a** Northerners the Lannisters and the rest of Westeros together for the great war when there only concern is wealth and position to be honest Jons the only high lord who is not concerned with either of those things i wish him good fortune in the wars to come

  3. so this video says the white walkers came back because of the prophesy of the Azor ahai, but that still doesnt make sense, that prophesy isnt new so the why now isnt answered

  4. I think similarly but slightly different. I think that the White Walkers are motivated by a wanting to live, but rather they are a neutral force of pure balance, and the political clusterfuck going on in the last seven seasons led to the disturbance in the force…oh wait…

  5. im curios about volantis why is mel. going there and what do u yhink she needs to do there and how long before she comes back and when she does come back what form will she come back in ??????????? if poss a short video on this thx..jonny in wifes web///

  6. I don't really buy this idea that seems to be bouncing around right now that the Whitewalkers aren't bad. They're the rightful villains of the series because they represent death- something to be feared by all humankind.

    At this point I don't think there are any gods within this story, there is just magic- different types. There is both good and bad on both sides. Ice magic is good in the Children of the Forest and the Stark Wargs and Greenseers but it was also used to create the Whitewalkers. Fire magic is good in Dany and her dragons but as you've pointed out, the cult of the Lord of the Light use it for evil.

    I think the main plot point surrounding the different belief systems is going to be that it's all from the same source, it doesn't matter where it came from- it matters what you do with it.

    The Whitwalkers were actually created using both types of magic, the CotF and Dragonglass and I think it will take both sides to defeat them Dany/Dragons/Fire, Bran/Ice and of course Jon Snow who holds the power of both.

  7. The only thing that happened that wasn't there before the dead started marching south and same reason everyone else is fighting up to and including the undead. Family. Humans all are fighting for their family and to make sure they're houses and names continue on. Same reason Danny is here in westeros now and Cersei is protecting the lanisters house. The NK started marching as soon as they lost the ability to create white walkers which is what is needed for his family/kind to survive and grow. Same reason humans are now uniting to fight to protect human kind. Even the theory of how the first attack stopped when a truce was made giving sons to NK. It's what the entire book series is about family and how war destroys them at its base.

  8. I've been thinking a lot about this, and the only other thing that happens that coincides with the return of the NK is the awakening of Bran's powers, it can't be Jon Snow because in the books he is like 14 when the first attack from the White Walkers happens, so his birth doesn't line up, neither does the birth of Dany's dragons, because Robert mentions to Ned that she has them already shortly after the WW attack, so at that point they haven't hatched yet, but as a greenseer, he could probably sense that Bran's powers were about to awaken, which they do a few days after that initial attack, which as far as we know, is the first WW attack in 8000 years, so why Bran? The most accepted theory is that the NK is also a Stark, and as we learn on the show, a greenseer, only 1 in a thousand wargs are greenseers, and only 1 in a thousand normal people (with blood from the first men) are wargs, so my theory is that Bran is the first Stark greenseer since the NK, that could mean a bunch of different things, maybe he is the only one that could take over for the NK and free him from his unwanted life, maybe he is the only one that can cure him, or kill him, or the pact between the children and the NK involved "the next Stark greenseer", like "you only have to be the NK until the next Stark greenseer comes", or something along those lines.

  9. One of my favorite scenes of Davos! 😍 Jon Snow is my favorite character and anytime I talk about why I love his character so much, all I hear is Davos saying, "She was good, she was kind and you killed her!" (Replace the she with a he and that's my Jon Snow.) I believe this is going to come into play one last time before the ending. I believe that it has been foreshadowed quite a bit throughout the story. I think we are in for one last sacrifice for the fate of all men. It's going to be horrible because it's going to be someone good, and kind and a savior for all man kind. I believe Maester Aemon speech, Stannis/Davos/Gendry/Melisandre speech and Davos speech will all tie into the end battle against the NK/WW and it will all fall on Jon's shoulders. I think that is what Jon has been conditioned and prepared for in his life. So he will have the strength to do what must be done when the time comes. Just as he had to do with Olly, even though he loved him…. Kill the boy.

  10. "best defense is a good offence"
    I like this idea
    But has there been any indication that Jon, Dany, Stannis or even Joffrey would have expanded their empire beyond the Wall.
    I guess looking at Dany's recent history it's quite possible, but usually GRRM would have put a small clue in the text
    Or maybe I just haven't come across it yet

  11. Look at you Kev! Almost 50k subs! Congrats. Another great video, and very thought provoking as well. I noticed 3 eyed ravens face on the weirwood BEFORE leaf created 1st WW. We know COF worship their sacred weirwoods, so did blood raven direct them to create the WW? I think so. The WW represent WMD created and unleashed upon man, a scurge that is out of control. GRRM statement re nuclear proliferation, futility of war, the weapon itself(whitewalkers in this instance) should never have been created, and i believe the 3 eyed raven directed Cotf to do it. Love QOT.🌹 👏 👏 👏 👏

  12. You may be on to something. Wouldn't it be a kicker if Azor Ahai turns out to the be Night King? 😮

    I don't think R'llor/religion of the Red God is good (neither is the faith of the Seven). I don't think the Children of the Forest are evil , but I do think to preserve themselves they created a weapon they didn't understand and couldn't control (much like Agent Orange or a nuclear bomb.) I guess I'd have to know more about what happened AFTER the first White Walker/Night King was created and what he did after he was created. Who was the Night's watch commander who fell in love with the woman with white eyes & frosty skin and how do they fit into this story? Why are there no White walker women? Is the Night King THE (same) Night King who was created by the Children of the Forest or is this some descendant? While the White walkers may not have been at war with humans, taking sacrificial babies from humans in exchange for allowing the humans to live isn't exactly a peaceful prospect especially as they turn said babies into White Walker Army commanders. And it seems as if they have been doing that for a long time. Isn't there some evidence in the books that they did that at the Night Fort?

    I hope the ending is an unexpected one!

  13. hi bridge4 from Brazil, i love your videos through i want to say my opinion i believe that the azor ahai to the others will be the same thing that " the most beautiful and young queen" to cersei, i believe that the azor ahai will eradicate the others( a complete race and i wonder if the others will exterminate the giants and the children of the forest, but i really believe that two dragons will live to the end more especifically drogon and viserion cause they are named to men that dany met and saw die) and for this i think it will be Dany she is not a woman of black and white but of extremes, is just see her reaction when the end of enslavery only reached meeren and not the whole slavers bay, she feeled deafted , and would fit both the history and the savior x monster complex, it gets really more serious cause she is a candidate to the "more beautiful and young queen", i also think that the reasons of the others to attack is convenience the people do not believe in their existence, valyria frehold is gone along with the targaryen dragons ( until the mother of dragons, of course) and the azor ahai line is across the sea through i do not think that brynden and the others knowledge it is absolute or even if the white walkers are greenseers( maybe they could be blue seers who see through snow and ice like melissandre looks through the fire and bran through the trees) could you explain me that? Cause i think they are not humans only began to have powers like the childrens after the creat of the WW unless they began to transform warg babies. LOVE YOU PLEASE ANSWER.

  14. I personally don't support either Rh'llor or the Night King. I support the existence of Magic in the world of GOT. If the preservation of magic means an eternal war between Ice and Fire, it's worth it.

  15. Damn Kev, you guys are proposing something so crazy that it seems almost obvious. I'm absolutely certain GRRM would actually write it to play out this way. Shades of bittersweet gray.

  16. If there is a lesson I've taken from the combined Lord of Light stuff in the books, it can be surmised by one of Patchface's earliest comments, "The shadows come to play my lord." i.e. shadows only exist in the light. I'm pretty sure that if the lord of light is going to be given any confirmed sentience that it will be some kind of shadow creature/demon rather than any kind of actual deity.

  17. I never got into that Azor Ahai story as something important as people hype it to be. The main word here is STORY not a prophecy. But it's fun for people to take any cryptic text from the books and twist 100 facts in every way and call it a prophecy. And isn't it bit strange that a story about an event in Westeros only survived in far east Essos, before being spread around by red priestesses? You have to admit that telling kings and queens things like they where promised, they'll bring the dawn, be a hero, bla bla, can go a long way in spreading your ideas. Just look how far Melisandre got that way with Stannis.
    As for WWs, why are they back now and are they good or evil we can only guess. GRRM said he's not about good or evil but he gave us so little back story or explanations about WWs that anything goes. All we know is that they where created 10 000y ago, waited 2 000y to attack, got pushed back and waited 8 000y before attacking again. It's dumb to get their side of the story like 5mins before they're defeated. Guess they're saving WWs story/twist just to have something not CGI in season 8.

  18. My new theory is that the white walkers never came south of the wall. Bear with a bit of tin foil.

    This is the first time. The cave paintings, the stories, all of that has been passed down based on Bran going back in time and trying to warn everyone. They play the telephone game over the ages and Jon snow is remembered as the last hero and episode 6 was the journey with his companions to stop the night king. The lord of light religion is a misinterpretation of his warnings made to fire mages in the past. The irony is that, much like what happened to hodor, I think Bran inadvertently creates all the events leading up to the night king going south of the wall.

    They have spent a lot of time warning Bran not to stay too long in the past, that foreshadowing does not end well for him. And maybe he just does his best while stuck in the past making peace between humans and children, building a wall, writing books (still stuck in some locked room in old town because it's unverified), and telling stories of the future.

    What do you guys think?

  19. I'm thinking if Hardhome 600 years ago was a dry run by the faceless men, and they probably tricked the red priests into assisting for that and the doom…… That may explains Night king coming for fire magic, there's a balance required in the world, but its uncertain he or the others serve The Great Other, unlike book Brann and Euron who are under its will.

  20. Every single time I think I have something figured out, you give me more to ponder. I appreciate all the work you put in. You're one of my top 5 favorite channels.


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