Dear Cylons,
Maybe your reproductive machinery just sucks…

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Camera? → Canon Vixia,
Natural Lighting,
CyberLink PowerDirector for editing.

Camera Desk stand:

Thank you so much for watching!!



  1. I'm glad you liked the music at the end of the episode, it's one of my favorite in the series. I got the soundtrack on CD a long time ago and the track is called "A Promise to Return." In the liner notes, the series composer explained that the young man who was featured as the solo violin player in that piece got in a car accident shortly after recording it. He fell into a persistent vegetative coma and hadn't woken up. So the composer dedicated the track to him and hoped that he'd come back one day. I never knew what became of the young man.

    I love that the cylons have these really outrageous beliefs and that in away they are so much like children in how they play those beliefs out. They have this insane notion on how they are supposed to recreate themselves and then set about doggedly to test those notions, not caring who gets hurt in the process. They are like children, angry at their parents and lashing out at them and yet at the same time wanting to be close to them and take after them.

  2. "She's an incubator."

    I don't know how much you want to watch anime but you should definitely react to Puella Magi Madoka Magica. It's a very short anime series but definitely worth it.

  3. Hunter, just a two quick points which don't spoil anything, just clarify something:
    1st: You made a bit of a deal about the number of ships they have. This is like the one thing that the BSG writers failed at…they are VERY inconsistent on how many ships there are, but if you are looking for a number, it's somewhere between 50-100. The number of people left alive on the other hand was done very well and that total is kept up to date.

    2nd: The issue with Cylon pregnancy. I don't remember if they mentioned it in this episode or not, but in an interview with the writers shortly after this, the writers mentioned that while the "farm" they showed was for human women. The cylons also had male "farms" set up, to try and get female Cylons pregnant. Basically, Cylon reproduction doesn't work, so they are trying anything and everything they can think of (including the "love" component idea).

  4. The thing I love so much about the Cylons is that they aren't the cliche super logical race of machines, they are in fact extremely superstitious and tend to do things out of faith or belief. It's part of what makes them so interesting.


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