Ever have a moment where you feel like you learned something from losing to someone? Here’s my biggest moment from Overwatch so far. Happened 3/4 months ago.
– Tracer account is 90 away from GM! This is where I play live!
– I Found Me
– Last Night
i was playing as a bastion with full team queue and we met team with sombra and genji, and she was hacking only me all the time and genji was finishing, idk why but we played with them 2 games in a row, then 3rd after a while, but then switched to orisa and they were sucking my balls xD
Recently, I have met a console masters and he told me that high sensitivity on console is the key to agility.
no pain, no gain
I'd playd 1 v 1 widow kilfari
This video actually made me better I've been using elevation to my advantage with tracer now
You don't just think outside the box. Sometimes you gotta think inside the box, and your ideas get so big that the box breaks.
I'm a GM player and i played Sinatraa on King's Row. We didn't get one tick but they got last point with 4 mins left😂
i got 40sr from playing mercy when doing the bastion strat XD
You inspired me and thought me so much I kept trying and now I’m climbing to higher ranks and I thank you
b00sted ape
When you’ve completely ran out of ideas
I just tilt instead of getting better. Does that count?
I got rekt by a diamond pharmercy that hard that it changed the way I approache pharah
I miss irl Nateson D:
I am gold on xbox and Plat on PC, however on xbox they are much better from my experience they know when to switch and they will rarely have 5 dps, also from what I can tell PC players have no game sense like they defend way too close to the door and blame it on the healer when they die, the only thing PC players do better than console players is aim.
If getting beaten so badly made you better, I lost and Got absolutely rekt 8 times in a row. So I guess I'm as good as Seagull now. Although then again I did among the best in my team those 8 matches.
Oh boy an old format video i like
not mid masters soldier main… mid masters hanzo main LMAO
I'm in high silver because Im not able to put enough time into the game to get better, anyway I use to shit on Zarya players at that level because they were absolute garbage but then I ran into a GM smurf that wanted to climb from bronze and got destroyed by their Zarya, it changed my opinion on Zarya as a whole and my SR has slowly but surely been climbing since I added her to the roster of heroes I play.
okay i didnt get better specifically cos i got stomped. i play ow on console so one day my friend walked in and watched me play a couple games. i didnt even realise but hes used to games like these and i wasnt. after about 5 games, he told me to stop and give him the controller. damn just after one game he played, for the first time, i realised how shit ive been playing.
1) never reload during a gun fight until after the wave. i used to reload like a maniac every game
2) stick it out with the team till after the wave. dont run to look for health packs unless theyre in your path
3) if youre not good at aim or tactical movements, dont go in first……even if youre a tank.
4) at any time, just be +/- 5m away from your team. never go off on your own. and if your team mates all die before you, kill yourself.
swear down i shot up from 2500-2700 to high diamonds till i stopped playing due to circumstances.
I once played agianst a master tracer player i was mid diamond at that time and the master tracer was just dominating us after seeing how he played i learned tons of tricks with tracer as i am a Tracer Main
when i started playing overwatch on pc i joined a custom game with grandmasters/masters and some diamonds, i kept playing mccree and getting outplayed by tracers everytime till i knew how and when to throw the flashbang, im really glad that i found this custom game, i placed 1900 season 6 now im 2700 in this season after getting placed 2200 🙂
sry for my bad english
best way to climb is play agaisnt people that are better than you. thats why i enjoy scrimming so much, you get a chance to play with master level players and learn from them. if you learn how to play agaisnt trash cans youll be a trashcan, if you learn to play agaisnt gods, youll become a god
STFU boostson
Hey at 85K subs u should should make like 5 videos
You pretty much described my genji expect, I dont stay on highground all the time and am not as consistant
I never get stomped by enemy team, just by my own.
I wish ow would record games and you can view them from a thirth person view like a spectator follow one person through the game see what and how they play
nice drone shots