This week I was out of town, so I shot some behind the scenes footage of an episode from a couple weeks ago! This is roughly how a week in my life goes when making these Game of Thrones videos.



  1. Hello friends! I'm out of town this week, so I scraped together a little Behind The Scenes video. I hope you don't hate it! I'm hoping to get back on schedule next week, so thank you for bearing with me on this! I'm sorry I couldn't make you a new GoT episode, but I'm doin my gosh dang best! I love you all!

  2. Daaamn, I had no idea you put in sooo much work into your videos. I hope u don't get so overwhelmed that you stop making them though, because they're so damn funny. However, I'm terribly disappointed the weird geometric design thingy behind you is a cheap cardboard divider. I thought it was some 3D painted wall in your fancy-shmancy apartment. It's like I just found out Santa Claus isn't real. 😢 🎅

  3. Thank you for your not-so-well-paid work, Steve!
    But what I was really hoping to see in this video, that I've wondered many times watching your videos was how you watch the episode. Do you pause after every scene and comment? More often then that? Do you watch the entire episode and then comment? That would be very interesting to know.

  4. Drama! Technology! Cows! Excitement! 🙂
    It's cool to see how much actually goes into making even such a relatively simple, straight forward video. Hopefully helps get people to appreciate the effort youtubers go through to give us fun content.

  5. Hey I cant say i learned something from your video or had that much fun watching it, but thats ok, Im just a stundet who doesnt want to his homework. So thank you for giving me something to distract and I hope you had fun at that wedding, see you next week.

  6. 5:47 – "There's just a cow running around. So, this helicopter is filming it and I'm watching what the helicopter sees on my computer. Isn't technology crazy?" And now I'm watching you watching a cow on your computer on MY computer.

  7. I loved this video! You seem like a really nice and genuine person. You work really hard! Thanks for the entertainment! Remember us little people when you’re a YouTube millionaire!

  8. I was hoping on getting more of an unedited view of you watching and commenting on the episode, but I still appreciated this. You definitely have to put in way more work than I was expecting. Also why don't you just download the episode from a torrent or direct download site or something? Sounds just as illegal as capturing it from HBO Go to me and a lot less hassle.

  9. I don't get it, if the legal-ish recoding of HBO via quicktime doesn't work…why not just torrent it? You've already paid for watching it legally, and you're only using the footage in a legal way. Why waste hours or even days on getting it right via quicktime??? :-/

  10. why cant u just torrent the whole episode or download it from a file sharing site like mega and then just pop that in to premire pro instead of recording it from hbo site every 3 mins?? i know u cant reply to this in public but like theres no difference between a recording from hbo site and a torrent so one can tell where it came from annd it would save u hours

  11. Hey man, first of all, compliments to your parents on the name choice. Anyway YO I totally underestimated how much work you have to do to make your videos, but they're top notch and I always look forward to them so props to you bud.

  12. Good call on going to see that cow. Also it was nice to see how you make your videos and I must admit that I've underestimated how much time it must take to make them (I always thought "how hard is it to watch 1 hour of an awesome tv show and then talk about it for a few mins afterwards??"). I get it now though lol. Your whole concept of watching the eps out of order is so fun to follow and I look forward to your videos every week. Keep doing what you're doing Steve 🙂

  13. I wish you'd have shown your process for viewing the episode. I imagine you take notes while watching and then go back and film the "reaction". I wonder because sometimes it kinda seems like cheating where you'll make a prediction that's revealed later in the episode and you'll be like "Hey I was right!" and I always think "Were you though?" Lol


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