A video displaying who I think the “best” swordsman in Game Of Thrones is… or more acurately, the least bad swordsman in Game Of Thrones.

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  1. Disagree completely, The hound is way better than Jorah. Let me explain, the hound isn't just pure strength. He is fast strong and effective. He also uses his surroundings to his advantage.

  2. to be fair, if you watch some of the world championship HEMA footage from 2006 you see someone execute a pretty flashy roll and score a hit simply because their opponent wasn't expecting it

  3. hej set Arthur dayne was in a 5 vs 1 after his partner died fight and would have won if he did not get backstabber plus they attacked him 2 by 2 and 3 so really set Arthur dayne and the 2 sword are heavy to hold so to perfectly dual wield those sword he is the best fighter

  4. Jon Snow is terrible in fact. He is just so slow. He attacks almost like if his sword had his own weight. Also, he is just so telegraphic. He drags his sword back at kilometers so his next move could be seen at miles and miles away. His footwork is horrible. Just look at 5:40. Look at his feet. He looks like he is getting dragged forward. Or like he is drunk. It's so shitty. Also, he always seems to target questionnable parts of the body, especially against axemen where the hands are the most vulnerable parts of the body. But instead, he goes for the arm, the neck or even nothing at all. He is by far the worst fighter in Game of Thrones despite being the main protagonist.

  5. The history of got in tournaments, Baristan Selmy has won 4 tournaments ,against Rhaegar and Arthur who have won 1 and Jamie 2 I think, but between them, Rheagar has defeated Barristan and Arthur 2 times against one. Robert Baratheon had lost by Baristan and Jamie by Arthur. So, the best swordman in history of game of thrones is Rhaegar.

  6. In my opinion, if you survive your fights, you're doing something right. Sure, the clegane brothers aren't technically complex, but sometimes simple techniques win over fancier ones. And strength helps a lot. In terms of skill, clearly barristan and Arthur dayne are the absolute best, followed by (from what I've seen) Jon snow, grey worm, daario, and maybe a few others. Jorah has been hit repeatedly, clearly he doesn't have that much skill if he can be hit.

  7. I hate when people who fight with plastic swords judge every situation as if they know exactly what's happening, how much pressure is being applied to the sword, the logistics of keeping yourself safe (which is always the first priority). Many of these are between two excellent fighters who could take advantage of anything and the other chooses not to give them any opportunity even with a missed strike. This is why they live through the fights

  8. In the olden days (yes I realize GoT never happened) but back in our days of fighting with swords, the soldiers had to give full swings. First to the fact that the swords were extremely heavy and two was to either break through the armor or break the bone within the armor.

  9. Arthur Dayne was the best swodsman in Westeros. GRRM said the only reason he killed Ser Arthur Dayne is because it's not fair if he still alive in books. The only swordsman could match Ser King Arthur Dayne and his sword of the morning (excalibur) is Ser Barristan Selmy but Selmy is old and Arthur is not.


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