Today we talk about whether the big news of yesterday, a new game coming from Bethesda Game Studios in 2017 is fake news or not.





  1. A new game did come out. I forgot the name of it already. In all honesty they should just use the same Skyrim/Fallout platform with a brand new storyline, graphics and characters. Fallout 4 ruined the feeling of the game with the colors and communication. I miss when the scene was a depressing shithole and when you said something "assholish" to a character they'd tell you to go fuck yourself. But they're a business, so I guess they'd rather attract new fans then give the origional fans what they're asking for

  2. Guys, relax. This new game is clearly a SMALL side project. Seriously, for 20 some years, Bethesda has NEVER released a game only 2 years after the previous one. They ALWAYS spend 3-4 years between each major release. yawn People who expected the next major title to be announced at E3 this year are psychotic. Guys, don't let psychosis take over your common sense.

  3. @1:40 "I don't really find Nintendo Switch releases all that interesting"

    I own a Nintendo Switch and know exactly what you're talking about. There's only a few select games that I do find interesting on the Switch and none of them are the ports of games that have been on other platforms for years lol


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