Blizzcon happened so there’s news there, also Quantum Break, Harry Potter business and more. Welcome to Pregame Discharge, the video game news show with no standards.



  1. So yeah, the new Overwatch runs around like a ten year old who saw naruto once but she also weirdly reminds me of a skyrim characterr. Like, her hand movements when she uses her skills remind me of the wizards in that game.

  2. So whose dick did Niantic suck that they, a studio comprising of 10 people and a dog none of which have coding or networking experience (except maybe the dog), apparently are given the license to the most accessible IPs to create barely functional mobile garbage that can make billions off brand name alone? Because I too would like a taste.

  3. Here is my comment, keep giving Lyle money. Also you said bigger in physical size not memory size, so memory card will come back weighing 20 pounds and be the size of a wii u gamepad, but will only be 8MB large. Yes, 8MB. Yes, they were that small. It is crazy looking at something like that 2-3 of them could hold most if not all your PS2 save data, and now we have 175GB just to play a video game.

  4. My weekly dosage of dad has been severely impeded by this lack of v i d e o g a m e n e w s . I require more v i d e o g a m e n e w s . I'm gonna get social services to tell me where you live dad so that I may acquire more v i d e o g a m e n e w s from your delectable bosom. I'm gonna suck that shit out of you like the former mayor of Seattle sucked it out of those kids.

  5. In a world of shitty video game journalism I am glad we have you Lyle
    You're like a third world cup try revolutionist. You're unqualified and some of your ideas don't seem all there, but it's entertaining to see how far you can go and you were arguably better than who was originally in charge

    Keep being you man


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