In Game of Thrones season 7 episode 1 ” Dragonstone” a BIG easter egg was dropped that everyone missed. This easter egg could change everything for everyone this season. In this video i will give you my game of thrones season 7 analysis , predictions and breakdown of this Major easter egg that was dropped. How Cersei dies. How will Cersei’s story end ? LITTLE BROTHER / Valonqar THEORY
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  1. I don't think it's going to be Greyjoy. I think it's going to be the hound. everyone is waiting for Cliganebowl to happen between him and the mountain and it's starting to look like it will. my theory is that the hound will either kill her either right before or right after they fight. The Mountain almost never leaves Cersi's side so it stands to reason she'll be nearby when they fight and if The Hound wins, he'll kill her

  2. First time viewer today and instant follower. The video I watch was in Cersi's killer. I've believed for a long time the little brother to kill was never her own little brother, but would be somebody's little brother. I had not considered any of Greyjoy's, but agree that it's a valid theory. But long before Euron was seen on the series, we've known of The Hound and …… Arya. The Hound of course has said "F~¤k the Queen" since the battle at Blackwater Bay & he is a little brother. Arya, though a girl, is now also one of the "Faceless Men" and Cersi has been at the top of her 'kill list' ever since she first started the list. So I hypothesize that it could POSSIBLY be Arya, wearing the face a someone's little brother (anyone from her own bro Rickon's, her father Ned's《who was a younger brother, btw》OR 《& one of my favorite options》either Stannis or Renly, Robert Bartheon's younger brothers. Arya wearing her father's face or one of the Bartheon's boys I find to be most fitting, considering that Cersi is ultimately responsible for both Ned & Robert's death.

  3. I still think the NightKing will fly towards KL and snatch the Queen from her tower at the RedKeep. Then he ll take her BTW and mary her. This is how the LongNight starts. Actually Euron gives her pregnant Wife to the Great other and then all hell breaks lose. Bran s visions happens in episode 1

  4. I think Jamie will kill her with one good hand and one gammy hand. Cersei is evil and killed with wildfire and Jamie killed the mad king who did the same. He killed him to save others and I think he will kill Cersei to save people who have become increasingly important to him… Good job my friend – I love it when you put on the voices – makes it more theatrical.

  5. Jaime the KING SLAYER Will Kill Cersie When she becomes insane. And he will silently Weep while doing it.
    ERROR Alert. Cersei has FOUR Children all of which die. I don't see a way of Squaring this circle. This is a Storytelling Failure unless Cersei was LYING about the Death of her First Boy.

  6. Cersei had four children.  The first, Robert's natural son with his black hair, lived a short time before the fever took him.  Then Cersei had three children with Jaime.  That pretty well trainwrecks Maggy's prophecy.

  7. I only say to read the books to judge the different characters beauty because the books will say outright how the character is meant to be portrayed either ,inner or outer beauty ,or inner or outer ugliness. Judging the characters with your eyes can be an insult as well as a compliment. Like saying Brienne is not known for having an outer beauty can be insulting ,and also not true for everyone considering Tormund's deep attraction to her for her looks unlike Jamie Lannister and the Hound. Tormund sees an outer beauty ,Jamie sees an inner beauty ,and the Hound's attraction has not been fully explored.

  8. Have you considered that the Mountain is a possibility? He is the younger brother to the Hound ,and holds harsh feelings toward Cersei Lannister for having experiments performed on him to take his own will from him with the purpose of serving her. Another thought ; Margaery Tyrell died at Cersei's hand playing toward making Cersei queen with no king after the suicide of her last son Tommen. This leaves Daenerys Targaryen to be the younger more beautiful queen to cast Cersei down and take all she holds dear. I have no belief in Brienne of Tarth being in this roll. As far as comparing beauty between characters for the roll it would be best to look at the books because all women have beauty in some sense of the word. Brienne is sought after by the wildling Tormund Giantsbane ;There is some attraction from the Hound and also Jamie Lannister. This being said, you can't very well say Brienne only holds an inner beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not only do I believe that ,but the show practices it. I myself am not much of a reader ,so I have no clue what the books say about the different characters.

  9. Well, I got beat. Cat Stark said that she thought of Littlefinger as a little brother, not a suitor. I thought it was going to go there. Recent events make that seem unlikely to happen.

  10. The prophecy about Cersei's children having golden crowns didn't literally mean they will be wearing crowns, since Myrcella never wore one. It meant that they would have golden hair, predicting that her children will be from Jaime.

    Euron being the valonqar would be a poor choice. He's too much of a minor character in the show to be the one to kill Cersei, and they don't have much history. The fact the show left out the valonqar prophecy tells me it's going to be Jaime who kills her. They didn't want to spoil it for the non-book readers.

  11. I had considered Euron, but somehow missed the two good hands reference as to him choking her! Ha, of course! But, still, the only time any characters stood on the map of Westeros in the Red Keep was in episode 1, when Cersei was standing on The Neck and Jamie on The Fingers.
    I think it could go either way. Jamie would be so much more dramatic and satisfying, though. But, GoT just had a solid season of wish fulfillment… they need to dash everything to pieces, next season. :/

  12. Ok I have a weird Idea about who will kill Cersei Lannister. Follow me on this. It is said she will die my the hands of little brother "the valonqar [High Valyrian for "little brother"] shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." Now it did not say HER little brother and the only little brother I can think of is The DOG, little brother to the Mountain. Some say it will be Jamie but how will he choke anyone, he only has one hand. I don't think Tyrion will do it because of the Mountain, but The Dog let is be known he is coming for the Mountain and when he does I think he will have the opportunity to choke Cersei out. Let me know what you think of my theory.


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