

Horn of Winter Theory! –

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Syrio = Jaqen H’ghar = Faceless Man? –

Season 7 Predictions-
Part 1 :
Part2 :

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Music: Song: Game of Thrones
Artist: Rameses B
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  1. blood raven, he was here before the long night, he was there after the long night then he need another body to stop the night king for good this time! Everyone that was there shall come back as before to end the long night

  2. Why do the white walker s got to be white !! ?why can't they be Black!!??? Just another way to keep the man down!they pay ut the green olives in jar and the black olives in a can! The object is the for the white ball to knock the black ball off the table last and the only black man currently employed ain't even black he is grey and a worm not a black snake! lol!

  3. What if the Mad King screaming, "Burn them all!", was Bran, going back in time during the last moments of his life. A desperate plea to stop the army of the dead being strengthened by the dead of the inhabitants of the south, being resurrected. Those dead either adding to the army that inevitably win, or those dead being the addition to the White Walker's army that leads to them winning. The way the Mad King was described chanting burn them all makes me almost think, it's bran going back in time, in a moment of desperation, trying to save the world by burning it in a sense. The winter coming (Ice), and it being purged (fire) prior to the events that happen in the show. I don't know, when time travelling 3 eyed ravens are shown altering the future by manipulating the past, I start getting confused,lol.

  4. Davis is the lord of light. He has been putting things in motion from the beginning. He brought Jon back from the dead not Melissandre. Jaime is Azor Ahai he will defeat the night king in the final battle and REALLY become the Kingslayer.

  5. Ok what if Bran was never the one that woke up instead Ned took over his body? Because in the show he wants up at the same time need dies. In the book it shows him in a dream he can't wake up what it he couldn't comprehend why the raven was saying and died which let Ned take the body. Or somehow helped bran figure it out.

  6. I just realized that We are introduced to Ned stark Beheading a deserter in the beginning and ends being beheaded by the same sword(Ice) is there significance to this other then the karmic "live by the sword,die by the sword"

  7. Bran goes back to try and stop the White Walkers from ever happening, but the children of the forest only see him as a man and do not remember him because they never met. The children take Bran and turn him into the first White which is why the Night King could stop the ravens and could see and touch Bran before his powers were strong enough. This also explains why the Night King wanted to kill the 3 eyed raven himself because the 3 eyed raven did not warn Bran about becoming the Night King.

  8. I also like the idea that Bran was actually someone as important as the Lord of Light and that he has always been looking for the prince that was promise…. at least at that part his gift will be justified it will be a nice addition in the plot I think…

  9. their were two bran the builders, just pointing out. the builder who built the wall, the citadel, stormsend (why did he build one when the Baratheon's weren't their yet) and winterfel. their was a another bran the ship builder who built a fleet of ship and sailed east, some think he traveled to the shadowlands and founds asshi which is where the lord of light religion comes from

  10. If you burn everyone in the city, they can't turn into zombies. And the visions with King's Landing covered in snow and empty indicate that maybe everyone joined the zombie army. Just sayin'… the mad king wasn't so mad, maybe.

  11. Anyone ever think how they worship the 7 and a lot of the current characters fit the group. Jamie, Jon, or the hound=the warrior, Cersei= the crone, Arya the stranger, the mother= Daynerys, The Maiden= Sansa, The Smith=Gendry, The father= Danos.

  12. Watch with the auto subtitles and the opening of this video says "i Cannot give you back your homes or a story or dental life but perhaps i can give you justice" Ned – always thinking about peoples dental well-being.

  13. Bran is the Night King! The same way he warged into multiple ravens, the Night King is warging the dead! Thats why when in season 7 ep5 when flying the ravens when the night king looked at thw ravens he spooked the ravens and knocked Bran out.


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