Blade Runner 2049 – Movie Review (Spoilers!)










  1. The glowing critical reviews are exaggerated. Yes, it has good cinematography, but not great. The plot is cliche'. The script is shallow and does not allow for the character development the director seeks to achieve. And, lastly, the movie is longer than it needs to be. It's worth seeing, but it doesn't live up to the reviews.

    Ok. My wife and I just went back and watched the original Blade Runner. Wow. The original is waaaay better. Better plot, better script, better direction, better pacing, better characters, more emotional weight, better in almost every way. I have a new appreciation for the original. That was a good movie that still holds up today. Any critic that is saying that Blade Runner 2049 may be better than the original needs to go back and actually watch the original again.

  2. Best movie of the year and "Dunkirk" came out this year.

    This was the sequel we didnt ask for but we needed it. In my opinion, the best sequel ever. It only expanded upon the first.

    As far as the Joi hologram, I think the AI genuinely cared for K. It doesnt matter if there are others for people. And thats kinda the point? Some kind of a unconditional love, that he still craved. She gave him a name and made him care for her and gave him solace. Even willing to do that hologram threesome for him.

  3. Blade Runner 2049 was dogshit. It's fun seeing folks beat the snot out of Ryan Gosling, but that's just not enough. Jared Leto needs to take his weirdo affectations to the carnival, and Harrison Ford just needs to stop this bullshit with the legacy sequels. Now. Does he owe somebody money? Does he need a GoFundMe? Because after Indy 4 and The Force Awakens and now this, I'm afraid of seeing a sequel to Witness. Witness 2019: Even Amisher.

  4. you guys should do an Interstellar movie review, it’s been out for a few years now, but it’s so incredible and Hans Zimmer did an amazing job capturing the beauty and unknown of space with his music!

  5. I thought k's part was a mix of Rachel and Roy. Like you said, with Rachel trying to figure out who, or what she is, And by the end of the film it seems that K ends up saving Rick Deckard. This, for me, only pushes the idea when "Tears in Rain" starts playing in the end.

  6. Honestly I found it boring saw it in the afternoon on Friday . Never seen the first one as I was not born yet but wanted to be part of the fan franchise. I was in the theatre with older adults. I found it very boring that I got up and went to the bathroom twice. A few customers left 3/4 into the movie. I didn't like it felt slow dull and deathly boring

  7. Cassius clay please pull your punches were not in the ring. I don't watch regular tv with commercials, I stream. So i didn't see any trailers yet. Besides the blue thingy and I watch plenty of the same movies and tv shows with the same opinions. Why not take his advice.

  8. Guys you mention ‘AI have their own AI’ but Replicants aren’t androids/robots. They’re genetically modified curated humans. Test tube humans. Like the snake, like the owl etc etc. Grown to have barcodes in their genetic makeup. Hence Rachael’s bones etc.

  9. Agreed fellas. It's a dime. The score, cinematography, acting…all great and not the cookie cutter, good versus evil trope Hollywood dishes out these days. Really cared about K, and didn't see the replicant baby plot twist coming! So many people walked out of the theatre complaining about the pace of the film and lack of action. They just didn't get it!

  10. I too hope it wins all kinds of awards. If there's anything not positive I could say about this (outside of the running time of over 2.5h which some people may find boring) is the music was not As Good or memorable as in the original (although it was very good), and the environments seemed more plain or less detailed overall, while still beautiful and much larger, with great shots and colors in pretty much every scene. Overall, it was just great, and I liked the more developed characters since the first movie was more about a guy killing replicants and maybe he end up being one himself, so I wanted to know more about them and the world they live in. I could definitively watch more movies set in the world of Blade Runner.

  11. Wow. I must have been watching a different movie. I thought the story was a bland dull mess. So predictable. So convoluted. Pretty sure the plot was adapted from a Battlestar Galactica episode. Speaking of which, what a waste of Edward James Olmos.

  12. 2 complaints
    1.) the virtual wife added nothing to the story and calling him joe just completely pulled me out of the movie because it sounded stupid
    2.) The soundtrack was stupid, It tried to bring back the old soundtrack but couldn't quite get there, the bwongs and sirens during action scenes killed any tension it had
    Oh also jared leto was so overplayed

    Everything else was good. I'm probably going to get killed for my opinions.

  13. Great review guys – bottom line is that though it is a masterpiece and surpassed expectations, it only does so for fans of Sci-Fi and specifically BladeRunner.  I am a huge fan, but I can completely understand why most people would not be.  That being said, the theme of the movie addresses questions that ALL humans can identify with – but the fact that the mass market doesn't get it, and would rather see a scary clown movie, supports one of the other themes that BladeRunner portrays – that humanity is devolving, becoming less human.

  14. This movie really did a great job with the ambiguity. Im they could do a third movie. But I don't want them to fuck it up. But the movie didn't really perform at the Box Office. Which is unfortunate..with that being said I still feel like Deckard could be a replicant. I love the parallel that a replicant saved Deckard in the original and K saved Deckard to be with his daughter. Interesting parallel

  15. Hard 10 for me as well, guys. Saw it a few days ago and I'm STILL thinking about it. I find it ironic that it under-performed in as much the same way as Ridley Scott's original upon its theatrical release. This is a masterpiece, and I really believe it will be thought of as such in the years to come. It was a mind-bending experience.

  16. Almost complete waste of money and time. Except for a few beautiful shots that make visuals look good, everything else sucked sooooo haaaaard.

    From the technical point – every single scene lasted a few pointless extra seconds more than it should have. This could have easily have been an hour shorter film. Music? BWAAAAAAAAA fest every chance it got, usually in scenes where it was pointless. That whole bwaaaa (inception/ship horn) sound is either for trailers or something with big reveal inside a film (like walking over a top of the hill and revealing everything beyond, something like that) but in static shots? I wonder who was the idiot to put it there. Visually, as I said, it was nice. Dumb at moments, but pleasant for most part.

    Story wise – this film did not know what it wanted to be (pointless sequel no one needed) and that showed. Main antagonist is completely pointless, the film could have been the same without him. He brought nothing. The whole twist at the middle of the film that turned somewhat detective film into setting for a Pocahontas-we-need-to-fight-for-our-people kind of sequel film/films was out of order and was complete waste.

    It was not a noir film like the original, it pissed all over the things people actually liked by trying to hint at things, and even the main story with which the film starts is as stupid as it gets. I don't want to spoil it here. But damn, is it stupid as fuck.

    The "love interest" of Gosling did not have any emotional impact on the film and characters what so ever. But even with that, the arguably best scene in the film was between Joy and that hooker. Disturbing but technically flawless and made you question a few things. That is it, 3 minutes of over 3 hour long film, and it did not actually had anything to do with the story. Could have been its own short film on YouTube.

    And the last minute of the entire film where you actually get to hear something resembling Vangelis' original music.

    This is just a pointless film, not needed, stupid in every aspect of itself, with an occasional eye-candy. I went to theater with 4 other people, all watched original, 3 of them finished a book, all 5 of us were like "What the fuck?! THIS is it? I want my money and my time BACK!". In the middle of the film, my friend to the left and me just threw our hands in the air with "What the fuck? WHY?!" and "Fuck, I have no idea. Dumb." exchange – I won't spoil what exactly shot, but I guess you know if you have seen the film. I have no intention of giving this film anything more than a lousy D-, and that just because it has great production value and an occasional good camera work. It is a shame they even dared to slap "Blade Runner" on it. What idiot thought that this film was needed in the first place? And more importantly, when they decided they are gonna make it, who thought that substandard shit wrapped in beautiful paper (nice visuals) is gonna pass as anything but a turd? You can wrap it all you want, it will still be a smelly turd.

    But it WILL make a ton of money. Why? It has a Blade Runner in its name, it has Leto, Ford and Gosling and ton of CG graphics.

    Original had its flaws, but its depth gave it a cult status. This? This is just another mediocre attempt of a reboot of some series. Hollywood today is nothing more than a Marvel/DC factory with additional reboots of franchises. Marvel/DC at least have some decency to acknowledge that they are corny crap made for summer pass time.

    To sum it all up, this film is a slap in the face to all the true fans of the original, and film viewers with a standard in general.

  17. I loved this film. I was actually a little speechless as I left the cinema, It's not often you see a Hollywood blockbuster that looks and feels like this movie. The fact that it is not doing as well as anticipated financially really sucks. The money men at Hollywood will continue to pump out brainless action movies and superhero sequel after superhero sequel because thoughtful and beautiful movies like this may appear to be too risky going forward. And that is a damn shame.


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