There is no shortage of Game of Thrones theories, both far-fetched (Ned lives!) and totally plausible (Jon Snow is Azor Ahai!), but the latest theory to come out of the world of Reddit manages to be both at once. Reddit user turm0il26 proposes that Bran Stark is the Night King, and their reasoning is so sound that we’re having a hard time not imagining the bittersweet showdown between Bran and Jon if this time-twisting theory turns out to be right.

Bran isn’t the show’s flashiest character, but he’s been set up as the catalyst for nearly every major event that has transpired since season one. Think about it; if Jaime never pushes the peeping Stark out of a tower window at Winterfell, Catelyn never goes on a mission to find and kidnap Tyrion, which in turn causes the tension between the Lannisters and Starks to escalate in King’s Landing, and so on. It’s also unlikely Bran would ever have unlocked his abilities to warg and use his Greensight to travel through time if he hadn’t lost the use of his legs. Without those abilities, Hodor (as we know him, anyway) wouldn’t exist, and if you subscribe to the Bran drives the Mad King crazy with his whispering theory, then Robert’s Rebellion may have gone down a little differently as well.



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