Bran Stark – Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 1 Dragonstone

Bran Stark – Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 3 The Queen’s Justice

Bran Stark – Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 4 The Spoils of War

Bran Stark – Game of Thrones Season 7 Ep 5 Eastwatch



  1. Bran: I can see things now. Remember that night on your wedding day? Man that was crazy.

    Sansa: Ugh, he brutally raped me and made Theon watch. I cried myself to sleep every day as he locked me in his bedroom, and shit myself scared when he came back and raped and beat me even more. I experienced nothing but nightmares and mental torment from that marriage ever since.

    Bran: No I'm talking about how hot you looked in that dress.

  2. Poor Meera she looks tired out. Bran should have said this is Meera Reed, daughter of Howland? Reed she has pulled me and the sled halfway around the Kingdom. Looks as though he's devoid of emotion like Arya when she saw Hotpie. Isaac played Bran brilliantly

  3. why does he seem so detached?, when he was "travelling" with the previous 3eyed raven, you could see emotions on the old man's face, especially when they were seeing something that affected Bran personally. the raven didn't seem as cold as Bran seems to be now🤔

  4. Of all things to bring up…He could've easily described Rickon's murder on the battlefield at the hands of Ramsey. If he's seen everything, he's seen that by now. On that note, I wish he would show emotion if only to mourn Rickon. He thought he could trust the Umbers to take care of him and they sell him out to Ramsey.

  5. I don't know why but I hate the fact that the only one of the children who died was Robb. All the children went off on these crazy adventures and will likely get to meet in a big family reunion to oppose the ancient evil from beyond the wall in a giant battle for the fate of the world………….and Robb missed the party……….

  6. Sansa and Jon. Bran and Sansa. Jon and Bran. Daenerys and Jon. I'm indifferent about those meetings. I've been anticipated Arya and Jon seeing eachother again for a long time. I feel it will be the most emotional. For me anyways.

  7. Don't attack me, but I think the Stark house is meant to perish for the good of the world because most of the heirs seem to have greater things in store for them…
    -Jon: He is Fire (Rhaegar) and Ice (Lyanna), has died and come back to life. Was also never a Stark, legally or otherwise (if true-born, he'd be a Targaeryen). However, Ghost stays with him because he is still true to himself. Wouldn't be surprised is Ghost leaves him or dies "coincidentally" at around the same time he learns his true heritage.
    -Arya: She has changed herself and is now no one, and thus she's no longer a Stark, which is why Nymeria refuses to rejoin her. Unlike Bran, she just hasn't realized that yet (Nymeria will probably die when she does).
    -Bran: He is everyone (Three-Eyed Raven), and thus he's no longer a Stark, which is why his direwolf, Summer, died immediately after he took the mantle of Raven.
    -Sansa: She willingly forsook her family for superficial reasons that would have enforced the status quo (marry a prince). Thus, the gods took her destiny away, which is why her direwolf Lady died so soon. However, she's become a survivor through her wits alone, which is admirable in itself.
    -Robb: As the first trueborn Stark heir, his death was the second ill omen of things to come for the Stark House (first was the dead stag and direwolf in Episode 1). Died immediately after his direwolf, Grey Wind.
    -Rickon: As the last trueborn Stark heir, he had to die so his siblings could pursue their bigger destinies instead of remaining chained to House Stark. This poor bastard just got the short end of the stick.

  8. I just realized Jon had half siblings who were killed by The Mountain.
    I also realized that if Jon was a Targaryen wouldn't his hair be blonde, either that or his a Baratheon because his mother was loved by him. If he was a Baratheon he would be Gendry's half brother aswell.
    If his father was Rhaegar Targaryen, Oberyn Martell could be his Uncle.
    Hmm so many possibilities, ok his a Targaryen. Lets wait and see….

  9. The show wiki on the Lord of Winterfell: ". The capital of the North has always been Winterfell so the ruler of the North, be it the Kings in the North during the North's time as an independent kingdom or the Lords Paramount of the North on behalf of the Iron Throne, has always also been the Lord of Winterfell, until recently… According to the male-preference primogeniture law of inheritance followed in Westeros, Bran Stark is the rightful heir to Winterfell, ahead of Jon, a bastard, and Sansa, a female; Bran abdicates his lordship and leaves the governance of Winterfell to his siblings….Season 6
    Ramsay becomes the new Lord of Winterfell after he murders his father Roose Bolton. After the Battle of the Bastards and the death of Ramsay Bolton, Lady Sansa Stark is now Lady of Winterfell.

    Season 7
    Sansa Stark, as Lady of Winterfell, attends court at Winterfell alongside Jon Snow, elected King in the North. Bran Stark, the rightful Lord of Winterfell, returns home and reunites with Sansa, who is currently ruling the Kingdom of the North in Jon's absence. Sansa declares Bran is now Lord of Winterfell, as the last trueborn son of Ned Stark, but much to Sansa's confusion he declines his inheritance for his duty as the Three-Eyed Raven. Hence, Sansa remains Lady of Winterfell."


  10. Wait… am I wrong or is this the first time they have ever actually spoken to each other on screen? They were present together in a couple scenes in S1 but I don't think they ever actually interacted….

  11. Once again for the cheap seats and the determined Sansa-haters (who are just plain cheap): JON IS NOT LORD OF WINTERFELL. NEVER WAS. SANSA IS LADY OF WINTERFELL. SHE OFFERED BRAN HER TITLE AND DID NOT UNDERCUT BRAN AT ALL. CHECK THE SHOW WIKI, THE PAGES ON HBO. SHE IS LADY OF WINTERFELL. SO TRY SOMETHING ELSE FOR YOUR BS "SANSA IS EVIL AND WILL BETRAY JON BECAUSE SHE ONLY CARES ABOUT POWER!!!" CRAP. So sorry that she's spent her time a) repeatedly offering her claim/title for Winterfell to others (first talking about Jon being the son of Ned Stark, expecting him to take the lord's chambers, then offering it to Bran) thus destroying your "power hungry" bs and b) making sure people are fed and properly armed and showing both competence and confidence in her role (I'm so sorry she's not as dumb and useless and uncaring as you all like to claim and is showing drive and acumen in providing for the very people all the other characters overlook. Boo hoo.) c) wishing Jon was there (his absence = her regency another death knell to your "she only cares about power and is gunning for Jon" bs) d) telling Littlefinger to fuck off repeatedly even as she tolerates him to milk his resources for her country's benefit, e) Trying to offer Jon advice and wanting him to do well. Keep harping on that "But she didn't tell him about the Vale army and argued with him twice and looked at Littlefinger twice!" BS. She's the only one in Westeros filling bellies, preparing for winter, and not competing to see who can create the largest mountain of corpses. I know it's EVIL for a woman to maybe want to be acknowledged and heard and argue with your male faves, but sorry, Honeybuns. Sibling tension and arguments don't make Sansa the villain you want her to be. And yes, your facts are wrong. She only offered Bran HER title, instinctively… after wishing Jon was present.

  12. Littlefinger will die in Sansa's arms… the desire he has for her will be the death of him… in his last breath he will declare his undying love for her and make some statement about how he only ever loved one woman… in fact it will go like this: " gasp Sansa gasp I only ever loved one woman… until I met her daughter."

  13. I don't know why this speculation keeps up on Sansa… I don't think she will betray Jon . I think she is learning who she is and exercising her thoughts … something she had to hide for many years in King's Landing on the threat of loosing her life.

  14. Ill explain why "Bran" is so different. Its because he isnt "Bran" any longer. Read everything below to understand:

    He is the three eyed raven now. He is not Bran anymore. He has inherited the memory of mankind. Our memories and experience are what that define us and our behaviours. Imagine inheriting the memory of mankind. You would not be the same person, you will become the three eyed raven, wich is the one that carries all memories. So im not chocked that he isnt attached to Bran Starks memories anymore, he is like a person who recarnates and can see all his/her pastlives, that is the three eyed raven. Thats why he said he cant be any lord, he IS the three eyed raven now. And he is more then just Bran Stark. He is like 100 persons memories in a single mind. So his cold reaction to seeing his sister isnt that strange as he has seen lots of past lives. Sorry for killing the english.


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