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Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 discussion video. In this one I want to explore the possibility of Bran Stark gaining control of Viserion. We have seen Bran Stark Warg many things but can he gain access inside the mind of the dragon? The Night King was already extremely powerful but now that he has a Dragon he has became even more unstoppable but with the help of Bran Stark there is a chance that they can counter act the Night King’s grasp on Viserion. Some say it’s impossible but you be the judge. Comment down below with your questions and thoughts. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Just thought i would share that the three eyed raven is studying at Birmingham uni, its all over twitter – his been spotted in halls, lectures, pub, night club as well as just wandering around during freshers wk – literally not to far from where i live, defo going to have a walk about soon – i have to bump into him …………….

  2. I hope that he does warg viserion that would be one of the best moments I think because he was meant for something huge in the battle for the long night and that my friend is huge… Gods I cant wait!!! This is going to be amazing.

  3. I think he will warg Rhaegal to attack Vyserion. Vyserion is under the Night King's spell, who is much stronger than Bran.
    I also think Rhaegal will be severely injured in the process, maybe will die. But I think all dragons will die by the end of the series.

  4. something very weird happened on youtube today 9/20/2017, youtube asked me " how is this video for you" with 5 bullet points for me to select which has never happened with any other video but this one, i think youtube is tracking your youtube channel for some strange reason, had to bring it to your attention as i found it highly strange

  5. The "you will fly line" can be interpreted that he will fly on the back of a dragon, maybe escaping Winterfell like they escaped the lake or perhaps, Bran will be flown out of Winterfell by a catapult. :p
    As many others (pun intended), I don't believe dead creatures can be warged so Viserion will not be warged by Bran.

  6. This is one theory I would really like to happen considering how the events unfolded with the Night King using Viserion to bring down the wall. It somehow evens out the advantage the Night King gained with killing Viserion.

  7. I agree with the possibility of Bran warging into the KK's dragon; as you have shown, when the original 3-eyed raven told Bran he would fly, I immediately thought Bran would warg his mind into one of the dragons. Great job again.

  8. I disagree ,, i think bran cannot warg into dead beasts so I have a different guess .. Bran will warg into Drogon because the living dragons will Ceasefire when they face their dead-raised brother viserion .. I don't think they will understand the dead-raised by night king matter so I think Dany will be hurt and maybe killed by viserion then Bran will interfere and warg into drogon to kill viserion


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