Ever since the Tower of Joy scene we have all been wondering when and how Jon Snow will find out the truth about his Mother. Most of us are anticipating Bran Stark getting to Jon to be able to tell him what he saw. There is a good chance Bran never meets Jon during Game of Thrones Season 7… If that’s the case, there may be another way Bran can lead Jon to the truth about his Mother… Recently HBO released 15 new photos that were taken during the filming of Game of Thrones Season 7. One of the most talked about photos is of Jon Snow standing in the Crypts of Winterfell.. Some say he is standing in front of Lyanna Stark’s Tomb.. Since Bran may not be there, why else would Jon visit her Tomb? I may have an idea of why, if he didn’t just decide to pay respect to the entire Stark Family…

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  1. Can you please do an extensive video of Bran. His story arc is insane. For instance what if he made Blood raven the 3 eyed raven we already know he has had an encounter with Coldhands at some point in the past before their meeting in the books.

  2. Apparently Martin allowed D n D to bring his story to life for simply guessing Rhaegar and Lyanna were Jon's parents. Does this not completely contradict or discredit the entire plot point and the truth Ned died for in season 1?

  3. All this to point out much like in the drama that played out in seasons 1-3 that Jon is black of hair. Why (if in this story universe, "the seed is strong") would Jon not have been landed a luxuriously dark silver or pure silver head of hair? Discuss with me please TalkingThrones. I'm new to your channel but I've enjoyed most of your inputs thus far. Lmk what you think of this.

  4. Is it not remotely possible that Robert despite never wedding Lyanna comsumated his love for her? Also, if that was the case, wouldn't the eventual birth of Jon fall within the timeline of the beginning to end of Robert's rebellion possibly having been conceived by the stag?

  5. I know everyone's super hyped for the discovery of Jon's lineage, but there's something that goes way back in this story that very few have touched on since the end of season 6 and alleged confirmation of Jon's true parentage. The seed is strong.

  6. you have yet to tell or explore whos child Ashara Dayne was or is, how could this be discarded so easly? This in any debut would leave doubt in any theory. Answer this with fact and clarity then you can be totally sure. Not one pod cast but one has dealt with this topic. even the characters in the story do not wonder who, why, or when this tragic stillborn and suicide was caused by. This is one of the oldest Houses of Westeros and yet no one knows or seeks to find the truth about this fact. If it was a Stark the child would be buried in the crypts of Winterfell that is a fact. Honor defines the Starks as does family unity. good luck.

  7. Love your videos dude ,, keep up the great work … How bout a video of ghost Ned Stark… Tin foil- I think Ned Stark keeps his other promise about telling him about his mother as a ghost.

  8. I am on the same page, I believe Bran if he doesn't catch up with Jon in person will lead him to the crypts of Winterfell through a dream and Bran is the 3 eyed Raven. The photograph of Jon to me is in the crypts of Winterfell…he is paying tribute to his family and I think Jon stumbles upon something at Lyanna's crypt. Bran can also talk to Jon through dreams, Jon would hear his voice and Bran could tell Jon of his gifts….so that he could convince Jon to go into the crypts. Either way Bran will get the message to Jon with his "gifts". I can't wait to see how it plays out.

  9. I think Bran is the Night King.
    They look very similar and it makes sense that Bran is going to be the one to stop the Knight King because he's where it all started!

  10. Bran is more likely to DOOM them all, given his stupidity and impatience. He might just go on the other side of the wall with ' THE MARK OF THE NIGHT KING' therefore negating the magic protection of the wall !!! 😏😏😏😏

  11. Certainly, we know Ned took Lyanna's baby from the Tower of Joy. But we don't know if this was the baby he took home with him. Yes, Ned took Jon home with him but we do not know Jon is Lyanna's baby, the baby he took from the Tower of Joy. Please consider:

    Ned may have taken Lyanna's son to House Dayne where he went to take Arthur Dayne's sword back to his family. I believe he may have taken Lyanna's son to House Dayne and convinced Ashara (Ned's lover) to keep Lyanna's baby. In turn, Ned took his real son with Ashara (Jon) home with him. Jon was born of Ashara Dayne and Ned, before Ned married Caitlyn.

  12. I don't think a song of ice and fire series name has anything to do with any particular house in westeros. I think this story arc (a song of ice and fire) is in reference to the conflict of the waring factions of the night king and the red god. think of how much ephasis is put on the azor ahi the chosen champion of the red god and how he is instrumental in the defeat of the great other. this being communicates to his followers only through the flames,and the real "bad guy" of the world is the night king who his realm is of ice, the exact opposite. the songs of westeros are used primarily as audible history and for story telling to massive amounts of people at once. also, and I see this as a huge clue, the only way to stop people from coming back from the dead as a writ is by burning their body, which we have seen malissandra sacrafice a few people to the red god in this manner: being the only known way to counter the night king's resurrective magic. but wait, what about dragonglass? that is also said to be created through fire produced by a dragon. which we've heard a pristess also say the dragons are tools, gifts, from the red god. the eggs only hatched due to being in the presence of blood magic, when danny burns the witch alive after and for khal drogo's death; which red god pristesses, or rather malissandra is capable of and attributed to the red god. they are waring over the peoples souls of westeros. so doesn't it make sense the books, that are primarily based around the events that happen in a very short period of time in a world, lore wise, that has thousands of years of history, that the song of fire and ice is telling us the history of what happened when the red god and the night king finally duked it out as if we are a person from westeros? now i haven't read the books myself, so their are more details I don't know, but that makes the most logical sense of why the series was named that. gorege rr martin adds very unique and complex clues in his works. i think having such an awesome title that provokes thought is just another clue he implemented.

  13. Jon and Dany hooking up is unnecessary. Please don't do this. Let's pretend a few years go by and Lyanna Mormont grows up and she and Jon fall in love after the wars are over. They could be King and Queen in the North. Dany can be on the Iron Throne and Jon KITN but then there is the same problem as Cersai, who is Danys heir? If she is going to have her own baby/heir who would be her consort? Didn't she predict to Jorah that she would never have kids that only the Dragons were her children?Technically Jon would be her heir anyway so even if he's KITN he could be heir to the Iron Throne and ultimately be King everywhere? Isn't that what England would do in old days, their Scottish relatives were Kings of Scotland but also heirs to England? IDK about European history but how will Dany secure her succession?

  14. I think that Ned will keep his promise. Neds bones will finally arrive at Winterfell. That will make John go down into the crypts to lay him to rest, where he will find whatever it is he will need to find about his parentage.

  15. What's good talking thrones,
    I never make any comments on youtube or social media in general ..But i just watched the second sons episode when sam killed the walker but before that , crows or "ravens" surrounded them.i believe the link between bran and the nights king is the 3 eyed raven..maybe the nights king was the 1st three eyed raven. The next was the one (on the show) that instructs bran to become him. The raven has been a focal point the entire show.bran may have to become the next nights kings for thousands of years and repeat.
    Sean cleary

  16. I believe people are failing to understand the prophecy of the Prince that was promised. It can actually be both Dany and Jon, and they both represent the song of Ice and Fire. While the birth of Jon gave rise to the warrior who would save the seven kingdoms.

  17. I wonder about the crypts. especially Lyanna's. I have recently been wondering if there would be any formal explanation of her fate and her son's unspoken existence. thoughts?

  18. it would be plausible that Ned had papers drawn up in case of his early death. if Ned was all that he is credited as being he would have contingency papers for the things he felt needed to be understood by his family.

  19. While many people make a big deal out of Who Are Joh's Parents, no one ever provides any reason WHY it should be a big deal. Maybe back in season one, when they were trying to figure out who might be an heir to the throne, it would have mattered. But now, it makes no difference. What would Jon do differently knowing the details of his parents than he is going to do any way? It is down to fighting the white walkers and who sits on the Iron Throne is pretty much irrelevant at this point.

  20. "Show Theory". I believe that there's more people that know who Jon Snow is than the show lets on. Like the Mourmons, Varys, Reeds, Dorne, and so on. Also Varys may suggest the reenactment of monogamy for the targaryans after Jon and Dany meet. When they find out Jon is targaryan.

  21. Regarding your question about 3 eyed raven communicating…there's two ways we know telepathy or telekenisis, glass candles and green dreams. Bran is the only one that can do greenseeing, the maesters at the citadel and probably Quaithe too, can communicate through the glass candles. So maybe Sam will learn how to do the glass candles too? It's along shot so if not him, then maybe Mellisandre (who has presumably at least heard of them).


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