Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 Theory Video. Today I wanted to discuss Bran Stark and his future role during the Great War against the Night King. Now that Bran Stark and Samwell Tarly are working together I was wondering what else we could see Bran go back in time and see that could be useful in ending the new Long Night.. The Night King and his Army are already marching south of the wall and Cersei refuses to help Jon and Daenerys so this leaves them still needing some help from another source and this is where I think Bran Stark can come into play. At the beginning of Season 7 Gilly was reading a book about the Long Night and when you zoom in on the page she’s reading it’s about Azor Ahai. Sam could inform Bran about what they read and Bran could possibly go back and see exactly what Azor Ahai did to end the darkness. Bran witnessed the Night King being created so perhaps he can go back and see The Others being destroyed. Hard to say what will happen but these are just some of the many thoughts I’ve had about the end game. Let me know what you think about this topic. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Maybe Bran finds the whereabouts of the Horn of Winter or any other artifact that is necessary, as well as what is needed to kill the NK. I presume Gilly is still reading, lol

  2. I don’t have a fucken clue! But I do love this brothers videos because he makes you really think about it so we’ll have to wait and see but this dude Talking Thrones is usually spot on so I’m rolling with my boy when it’s all said and done. 💯

  3. Its hard to see Mel being Nissa Nissa if Jon is AA, he is not particularly in love with her. Its the Song of Ice and FIre, I see the R'hollor worshipers as being the antithesis of the White Walkers. They will be the fire to there ice. However they could end up becoming a threat in their own way just like the walkers. I think they will be dangerous allies and their religious fanaticism will put them at odds with Jon and Dany.

  4. Here is my theory:
    Night King will not be killed by valerian steel or dragonstone daggers
    Bran will convert Jon snow into another Night King. The motive of the Jon snow(converted night king) is to kill present Night King and travel to North and new wall will be built. This will be the bitter sweet ending. Jon will neither be alive nor be killed.

  5. I'm pretty sure its about how Jenny died (thats why they mentiones her last season), what went wrong at summerhall will happen again…to awaken the dragon/AA reborn amongst salt and smoke. Its not about the sword but what fiery weapon that sword creates. I think thats where Arya's dagger will come into play.

  6. I still suspect that bran is gonna end up becoming the night king .a lot of indications have pointed towards to that . It may be predictable but bran being the night king is nevertheless a plausibility

  7. personally, one thing buggs me with last season – Red Priestests and their religion is huge at Essos, they have thousands of fanatics and believers, they all believe in this huge battle against dead, yet when that war is there, nobody from Essos is fighting in it? its fine Melissandre has to die in North, but i would expect Red Priestests to call for a "crusade" and take all their supporters to fight in big war.. instead of sitting it out and letting Northerners to fight it through. Hell, i would even expect the Golden Company wanna join the fight against dead instead of just supporting Cersei to keep her throne..

  8. I think that the only thing that Night King is interested in is Bran. He has been "sleeping" for centuries and when Bran was born, he started to wake up, marching to the wall, enlarging it's army. I think that Bran is the strongest three eyed raven who can even warg into a night king, but he is not aware of this yet. Night king sees bran as his equal and that's why he is haunting him. Furthermore I believe that the only reason why night king was able to cross the wall and destroy it, is that bran was on the other side of the wall and he had been marked by NK already. Like the tree lost it's ability to stop night king and his army, the wall also lost this magic spells since Bran went to the other side.

  9. I think to kill the night king they need to get that dragonglass out of his heart. Remember the children's story of the shard of magic shard of ice in a boys heart? Get it out and return him to human and he's vulnerable.


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