Welcome back for the second part of our Bran Stark Predictions for the final season. Once again I am joined by GrayArea. In this video we continue to go over some potential scenarios we think Bran Stark may face. In order to defeat the Night King we think Sam Tarly and Bran Stark will continue to work together to find the answers to end The Long Night and win The Great War. Samwell Tarly was able to take some books and documents from The Citadel and I believe they hold the answers needed to stop the Night King from taking over Planetos. Bran Stark may also look into the past to find those answers. He may find out what The Last Hero did to end the previous Long Night. He may also go back to the original Pact between The First Men and The Children of the Forest. There are a lot of possibilities with this fascinating character. Let us know what you think about some of our ideas. Leave some comments if you have any interesting ideas of your own. Thank you very much!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. I look to new videos from you every night, but **together***you are a powerhouse. Very complementary. Thanks for this cleareyed and VERY enjoyable double-video. It sounds like you guys are having fun as well. If you both come to the Con, I'll buy you a drink!

  2. What if the night king is bran stark.. and bran is trying to stop himself from going back in time and becoming the nighking.. so it's like bran trying to kill himself the whole time.. what a twist.

  3. Love the collaboration videos! Have been following both of you. I was thinking if they do come up with a plan to defeat the Night King that some how maybe Bran will lead the Night King into some sort of trap using himself as bait.

  4. Maybe the only way to completely defeat the Night King is to stab him with the dragon glass (same blade?), the same way he was created by the children of the forest.  The blade must go into the NK at the EXACT same place as it was when he was created.  However, getting close to the NK and do this is another challenge.  What do you think?

  5. So I was rewatching GoT, and in season 6 episode 10 little finger tells Sansa that she was born into the north and that Jon was just a bastard born in the south. Jon is a snow which means he is born in the North. How is it that little finger knew that Jon was not a snow but that he was born in the south????

  6. Another great video. You guys really should collaborate more often. Dan, you’re good man. But GreyArea hit the nail on the head and summed up things perfectly by stating that Bran is the key to everything. What amazes me is how many people still don’t get it. Wake up doubters. In the end game, it all comes down to Bran.

  7. What if the Blood Raven is in Bran and the Blood Raven was originally related to the Night King somehow, like maybe his brother? Maybe either the Blood Raven or the Night King have to die or even be the Azor Ahai? Maybe that is why the Blood Raven is determined to stay "alive" and to keep the knowledge of the world. Maybe he either wants to somehow save his brother (the night king) or he knows he must defeat him in the end or he will always come back. Maybe the Blood Raven even contributed to his brother becoming the night king somehow, like through betrayal or the night king offered to take his place or something?

  8. What if the last hero is the night king? He became the hero by sacrificing himself to be the king of the others and lead them north. Possibly the hero was a stark. Just throwing it out. May have already been said. Thnx ✌

  9. Drinking blood. Another obvious reference to satanism. More and more I realize that these shows are Hollywood representations of very real things the elite are doing to this very day.


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